aml 做的 scs曲線計算徑流模型

2021-04-12 21:11:14 字數 1958 閱讀 7263

/*accept the arguments

&s oddem05 = [response 'enter your dem' oddem05]

&s odlu05 = [response 'enter your lu' odlu05]

&s fc = [response '田間持水量狀態下的土壤含水量' 0.25]

&s sat = [response '飽和狀態下的土壤含水量' 0.25]

&s sw = [response '降雨前土壤含水量' 0.2]

&s rday = [response '日降雨量(mm)' 200]

/*define the internal var

&s slp = slp

&s cn2 = cn2

&s cn3 = cn3

&s cn2s = cn2s

&s cn3s = cn3s

&s cn1s = cn1s

&s **ax = **ax

&s **in = **in

&s w2 = w2

&s w1 = w1

&s s = s

/*define the result val

&s qsurf = qsurf

/* the process of the computing

%slp% = slope(oddem05, percentrise)

items %odlu05%.vat

list %odlu05%.vat

if(%odlu05% == 1)

%cn2% = 83

else if(%odlu05% == 2)

%cn2% = 61

else if(%odlu05% == 3)

%cn2% = 48

else if(%odlu05% == 4)

%cn2% = 55


%cn2% = -9999


%cn3% = %cn2% * exp(0.00673 * (100 - %cn2%))

%cn2s% = (%cn3% - %cn2%) / 3 * (1 - 2 * exp(- 13.86 * %slp%))

%cn3s% = %cn2s% * exp(0.00673 * (100 - %cn2s%))

%cn1s% = %cn2s% - 20 * (100 - %cn2s%) / (100 - %cn2s% + exp(2.533 - 0.0636 * (100 - %


%**ax% = 25.4 * (1000 / %cn1s% - 10)

%**in% = 25.4 * (1000 / %cn3s% - 10)

%w2% = (ln(%fc% / (1 - %**ax% / %**in%)) - ln(%sat% / (1 - 2.54 / %**ax%) - %sat%)) / (%sat%

- %fc%)

%w1% = ln(%fc% / (1 - %**ax% / %**in%) - %fc%) + %w2% * %fc%

%s% = %**ax% * (1 - %sw%) / (%sw% + exp(%w1% - %w2% * %sw%))

%qsurf% = (%rday% - 0.2 * %s%) / (%rday% + 0.8 * %s%)

/* delete all internal layers

kill %slp% all

kill %cn2% all

kill %cn3% all

kill %cn2s% all

kill %cn3s% all

kill %cn1s% all

kill %**ax% all

kill %**in% all

kill %w2% all

kill %w1% all

kill %s% all

緩和曲線 迴旋曲線的計算

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