學習英文 學以致用 場景 常說錯的中式英文

2021-10-03 03:26:45 字數 1278 閱讀 3473



daliang: this food is great, what ingredients are in this food? 這個不錯,這個食物的用料是什麼?

mike: just instance noodles. 只是速食麵

daliang: good, this is not spicy.這個不辣,不錯

daliang: did you ever lived in china? 你在中國生活過嗎?

mike: yeah, i once lived in beijing. 是的,我在中國呆過

daliang: how long did you stay? (不是how long time did you stay)多長時間呢?

mike: about 2 weeks. and i will go to beijing this year. 兩周, 今天我會去中國

dalliang: are you staying for a long time? 準備呆的很長時間嗎?

mike: mabey。可能吧。

daliang: i used to play basketball, did you ever play basketball ? 我曾經打籃球,你打過籃球嗎?

mike: no, i don』t think i can play it. (不是 i think i can』t play it)不, 我不認為我可以打。

daliang: ok, i』ll teach you .我可以教你

mike: cool, i will meet you in 3 hours ( 不是i will mee you 3 hours later) 可以,3小時後見

daliang: see you then.

1)ingredient強調的是食材之類的材,ingredients are parts of things you eat. like sugar, milk, flour.

material可以指用於建造的材料,或是寫作的素材,materials are parts of things you build. like lumber, nails, steel.

2)速食麵是instance noodles, 不是convient noodles.

3)多長時,how long 即可,如下:

how long did you stay? (不是how long time did you stay)

are you staying for a long time

C 學以致用(2)

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