cocos2dx 仿射變換

2021-09-28 23:32:09 字數 2265 閱讀 3041

affinetransform __ccaffinetransformmake

(float a,

float b,

float c,

float d,

float tx,

float ty)

(const vec2& point,

const affinetransform& t)

(const vec2& point,

const mat4& transform)

(const size& size,

const affinetransform& t)

affinetransform affinetransformmakeidentity()


const affinetransform affinetransformidentity =


;const affinetransform affinetransform::identity =



(const rect& rect,

const affinetransform& anaffinetransform)


(const rect& rect,

const mat4& transform)

// [ 1 0 0 ]

//[x y 1]* [ 0 1 0 ]

// [ tx ty 1 ]

//平移到(x+tx, y+ty, 1)

affinetransform affinetransformtranslate

(const affinetransform& t,

float tx,

float ty)

// [ a*sx 0 0 ]

//[x y 1]* [ 0 d*sy 0 ]

// [ 0 0 1 ]


affinetransform affinetransformscale

(const affinetransform& t,

float sx,

float sy)

// [ cosa sina 0 ]

//[x y 1]* [ -sina cosa 0 ]

// [ 0 0 1 ]


affinetransform affinetransformrotate

(const affinetransform& t,

float anangle)

//將兩個矩陣相乘 得到第二個矩陣的xy軸在第乙個矩陣xy軸上的投影


//[ a1*a2 0 0 ]

//[ 0 d1*d2 0 ]

//[ 0 0 0 ]

/* concatenate `t2' to `t1' and return the result:

t' = t1 * t2 */

affinetransform affinetransformconcat

(const affinetransform& t1,

const affinetransform& t2)

mat4 transformconcat

(const mat4& t1,

const mat4& t2)

///* return true if `t1' and `t2' are equal, false otherwise. */



(const affinetransform& t1,

const affinetransform& t2)



//[ d 0 0 ]

//[ 0 a 0 ]

//[ 0 0 0 ]

affinetransform affinetransforminvert

(const affinetransform& t)


cocos2dx 仿射變換

affinetransform ccaffinetransformmake float a,float b,float c,float d,float tx,float ty const vec2 point,const affinetransform t const vec2 point,cons...

仿射變換 2 旋轉

同樣要使用cv2.warpaffine 進行仿射變換。在使用之前,可以通過函式cv2.getrotationmatrix2d 獲取轉換矩陣。m cv2.getrotationmatrix center,angle,scale center 旋轉中心 angle 旋轉角度。正數表示逆時針旋轉,負數表示...

剛性仿射變換演算法 仿射變換

哎慢慢來吧,感覺一大堆東西看不懂.仿射變換就是affine transformation 這是乙個跟影象相關的變換,影象變換是通過矩陣變換來實現的。影象的幾個基本變換有平移 縮放 旋轉 仿射 透視。剛性變換 就像這個題目這樣顯示的,就是非常強硬的變換,在這個二維平面上開始是怎麼樣,後來就是怎麼樣 仿...