tensorBoard 初級實現

2021-09-28 06:29:26 字數 903 閱讀 9145

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# by dl

import tensorflow as tf

# 構造graph結構

# 用乙個線性方程的例子 y = w*x+b (w權重

w = tf.variable(2.0, dtype=tf.float32, name='weight')

b = tf.variable(1.0, dtype=tf.float32, name='bias') # 偏差

x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name='input') # 輸入量

with tf.name_scope('output'): # 輸出的命名空間

y = w * x + b # 輸出

# 定義日誌路徑 沒有目錄會自動建立

path = './log'

# 建立用於初始化所有變數的操作

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

# 建立session

with tf.session() as sess:

sess.run(init) # 實現初始化變數

writer = tf.summary.filewriter(path, sess.graph)

result = sess.run(y, ) # 給站位符賦值 然後執行

print("y = %s" % result)



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知道如何啟動tensorboard後,就該了解一下怎麼使用它。1.執行python示例,test.py import tensorflow as tf with tf.name scope graph as scope matrix1 tf.constant 3.3.name matrix1 1 r...