
2022-10-08 18:57:16 字數 1416 閱讀 8929


what airport are you flying out of?

an aisle or a windows seat?     選座位

i would like a aisle seat, please. 勞駕, 我想要乙個靠走廊的座位

i』ve got one to check and one to carry on.   我有乙個包要託運,還有乙個包隨身攜帶

no, i 've always had then with me. 我總是隨身攜帶包。

which gateis the flight le**ing from?航班從哪個登機口離開?

what『s the new departure time? 


how many bags to check ?  

gate 登機的入口

airport 飛機場

shuttle 公共汽車


rental car 租車

limousine 大型豪華轎車

boarding pass 登機牌

express train 特快列車

downtown 市中心


how do i get the downtown?  我怎麼去市中心?

you can take a shuttle , or you can take a taxi.

would the taix be expensive? 計程車貴嗎

what do you suggest? 您有什麼建議?

where is the subway from here?從這裡出發的地鐵到**?

do i h**e any other options? 

would the shuttle be the fastest?


i am really jet-lagged. it is 2am back home. 我時差反應很大。現在家裡是凌晨兩點。

any problems at customs and migration?  海關和入境有碰到什麼問題嗎?

no , i got through really fast. 沒有,我很快就過關了。

i h**e already booked a rental car.

h**e you checked in at the hotle yet? 


customs 海關

check in 報道


include include define maxspace 100 define keylen 7 define radix n 10 define radix c 26 typedef char keytype typedef structinfotype 航班記錄型別 typedef str...

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