Java BTC Omni 同步充值交易

2021-09-05 11:45:11 字數 3448 閱讀 3628



@order(value = 1)


public class btcoinchargeserviceimpl implements commandlinerunner and block hash is :{} start !! ===", blockcount, blockhash);

coinblockinfo blockinfos = new coinblockinfo();

blockinfos.setblockheight(blockcount); //高度



blockinfos.setcreatetime(new date());

blockinfos.setremark("first record");

if (res)"=== [btc] init block success !!");

} }}

2.  區塊hash從主鏈獲取交易txs並進行解析



public class btcoinchargeserviceimpl implements btcoinchargeservice, and the processing block height is {}. ===", blockcount, parseblockcount);

if (blockcount > parseblockcount) \t], [\thash:{}\t] begins !!! ===", current, blockhash);

if (parsetransactioninfo(userlist, blockhash, current)) \t], [\thash:{}\t] !!! ===", current, blockhash);

/* current height */



blockinfo.setupdatetime(new date());"=== [btc-local] current block height: {}, previous block height: {} ===", current, parseblockcount);


} /*else */

} catch (coinexception e) ===", e.getmessage(), e);

throw new coinexception(e.getmessage());}}


} catch (coinexception e) ===", e.getmessage(), e);

throw new coinexception(e.getmessage());

} return result;

} /*

* 對錢包位址進行比對處理

*/ private boolean parsetransactioninfo(listuserlist, string blockhash, int current) throws coinexception

jsonarray txs = jsonarray.parsearray(blocks.getstring("tx"));"=== [btc] scan block [\theight:{}\t], [\thash:{}\t], [\ttotal transactions:{}\t] begins !!! ===", current, blockhash, txs.size());

for (int i = 0, len = txs.size(); i < len; i++) \t], [\thash:{}\t], [\ttx:{}\t] begins !!! ===", current, blockhash, txid);

parseblockinfobytxid(userlist, txid, current);

//"=== [btc] current blockheight:{},blockhash:{},txhash:{} operation completion!!", current, blockhash, txid);

} return true;

} /**

* 處理塊資訊

* @throws coinexception

* @title: parseblockinfobytxid @param @param userlist @param @param txid @param @throws coinexception 引數 @return void 返回型別 @throws

*/private boolean parseblockinfobytxid(listuserlist, string txid, int height) throws coinexception trawtransaction! ===", txid);

map parenttransaction = (map) btcservice.gettrawtransaction(txid, 1);

jsonobject parentinfo = jsonobject.parseobject(json.tojsonstring(parenttransaction));

jsonarray vouts = jsonarray.parsearray(parentinfo.getstring("vout"));

for (int j = 0, leg = vouts.size(); j < leg; j++) }}

}// vout

jsonarray vouts = jsonarray.parsearray(info.getstring("vout"));

for (int x = 0, lenx = vouts.size(); x < lenx; x++)

try catch (exception e) ===", e.getmessage(), e);}}


}} catch (coinexception e) ===", e.getmessage(), e);

throw new coinexception(e.getmessage());

} return false;

} private boolean iserror(jsonobject json)

return false; }


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