(雖然沒什麼技術含量 :wink: )
主要特性就是使用buffer將先前已經計算過的fibonacci數列的值儲存下來,減少遞迴時的重複計算開銷.c#沒直接的lazy evaluation,這種採取buffer的策略應該是不錯的選擇吧.
[code]using system;
using system.collections.generic;
namespace testfibonacci
// demostrate the implementation of indexer
for ( int i = 10; i < 46; i++ ) }}
/// a class that calculates the fibonacci sequence
/// and buffers previously calculated values.
/// the fibonacci sequence described here starts
/// from index 0 with a value of 1.
/// because the return value is represented in an int,
/// this class does not support indexes larger than 46.
public class fibonacci : ienumerator
/// create an fibonacci instance with specified buffer length.
public fibonacci( int initlength )
#region fibonacci member methods
/// initialize the buffer of fibonacci sequence.
/// length of buffer.
/// cannot exceed 46 or an overflowexception will be thrown
public void initializebuffer( int length ) will cause int to overflow",
( length - 1 ).tostring( ) ) );
calculate( length - 1 );
/// recursively calculate the fibonacci sequence.
private int calculate( int index )
return this.buffer[ index ];
}public ienumeratorgetenumerator( )
#region fibonacci member properties
/// read-only property for retrieving the
/// fibonacci sequence at specified index.
public int this[ int index ]
#region fibonacci member fields
/// buffers previously calculated values.
private listbuffer;
#region ienumeratormembers
/// current enumerator cursor position.
private int position = -1;
public int current catch ( indexoutofrangeexception ) }}
#region idisposable members
public void dispose( )
#region ienumerator members
object system.collections.ienumerator.current
}public bool movenext( )
public void reset( )
1.定義 斐波那契數列 fibonacci sequence 又稱 分割數列 因數學家列昂納多 斐波那契 leonardoda fibonacci 以兔子繁殖為例子而引入,故又稱為 兔子數列 指的是這樣乙個數列 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 在數學上,斐波納契數列以如下被以遞迴的方法...
斐波那契數列的形式為 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21.從第三項開始,後面的每一項都是前面兩項的和。實現的方式有一下 兩種 一 遞迴方式實現 def fib n if n 1 print 數值錯誤!return 1 if n 1 or n 2 return 1 return fib n 1 fib...
利用動態規則的思路,摒棄傳統的遞迴做法,可以得到一種快速的求fibonacci第n個數的演算法 求第n 從1開始 位fibonacci數 fibonacci數列前兩位為0,1.後面每一位數字等於前兩位數字之和 def fibonacci n if n 2 return n 1f 0 g 1 whil...