class india():
def capital(self):
print("new delhi is the capital of india.")
def language(self):
print("hindi the primary language of india.")
def type(self):
print("india is a developing country.")
class usa():
def capital(self):
print("washington, d.c. is the capital of usa.")
def language(self):
print("english is the primary language of usa.")
def type(self):
print("usa is a developed country.")
def func(obj):
obj_ind = india()
obj_usa = usa()
輸出:new delhi is the capital of india.
hindi the primary language of india.
india is a developing country.
washington, d.c. is the capital of usa.
english is the primary language of usa.
usa is a developed country.
在大多數情況下,漢字都比數字要顯得正式一些。比如說,二零一九年 就比較有官方檔案的味道,而 2019年 則更有個人日記的味道。另外,漢字還可以用來編繞口令!用數字的話就難得多。還是舉個栗子 14是14,40是40。就顯得很 十四是十四,四十是四十。就有一種唇齒生香的感覺。山前有44只石獅子,山後有4...
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