
2021-10-04 03:47:15 字數 4167 閱讀 5972








win10 + vs2019 + ivf2020


program sparsematrix2norm

implicit none

integer, parameter :: n = 3 !// depend on your equation

integer :: i, j, mm, tmp, fileid, first, num

real(kind=8) :: matrix(n,n)

real(kind=8), allocatable :: aa(:)

integer, allocatable :: ia(:), ja(:)

type :: node

real(kind=8) :: s

integer :: k1, k2

type (node), pointer :: next

end type node

type (node), pointer :: head, tail, p, q


character(len=1) :: uplo = 'u'

integer :: fpm(128), m0, loop, m, info

real*8, parameter :: emin = 1d-5, emax = 1d5

real*8 :: x(n,n), epsout, e(n), res

!// input data

open( newunit = fileid, file = 'sparsematrix.txt' ) !// the sparse matrix data needs to be given by itself

read( fileid,* ) matrix

close( fileid )

!// *************************store data by csr format********************===

first = 1

if ( .not.associated(p) ) then

allocate( p )

q => p

nullify( p%next )

q%k2 = first

tmp = q%k2

end if

num = 0 !// calculate the number of no-zero

do i = 1, n

mm = 0 !// calculate the position of no-zero in every row

do j = i, n

if ( matrix(i,j) /= 0.0 ) then

if ( .not.associated(head) ) then

allocate( head )

tail => head

nullify( tail%next )

tail%s = matrix(i,j)

tail%k1 = j

num = num + 1

mm = mm + 1


allocate( tail%next )

tail => tail%next

tail%s = matrix(i,j)

tail%k1 = j

num = num + 1

mm = mm + 1

nullify( tail%next )

end if

end if

end do

if ( associated(p) ) then

allocate( q%next )

q => q%next

q%k2 = tmp + mm

tmp = q%k2

nullify( q%next )

end if

end do

allocate( aa(num), ja(num), ia(n+1) ) !// store the no-zero element

!// output a and ja

tail => head

j = 1

do if ( .not.associated(tail) ) exit

aa(j) = tail%s

ja(j) = tail%k1

j = j + 1

tail => tail%next

end do

!// output ia

q => p

j = 1

do if ( .not.associated(q) ) exit

ia(j) = q%k2

j = j + 1

q => q%next

end do

nullify( head, tail, p, q )

!// *************************store data by csr format********************===

write ( *,'(a)' ) '>> original data'

write ( *,'(f7.2)' ) matrix

write ( *,'(a)' ) '>> csr data'

write ( *,'(*(f7.2))' ) aa

write ( *,'(a)' ) '>> b data'

write ( *,'(a)' ) '>> colnum of csr data'

write ( *,'(*(i4))' ) ja

write ( *,'(a)' ) '>> the position of csr data'

write ( *,'(*(i4))' ) ia

!// eig

m0 = n

call feastinit(fpm)

call dfeast_scsrev(uplo, n, aa, ia, ja, fpm, epsout, loop, emin, emax, m0, e, x, m, res, info)

if ( info == 0 ) then

write(*,'(a)') "計算正確..."


write(*,'(a)') "計算錯誤..."

end if

write ( *,'(a)' ) '>> the 2-norm of sparse matrix is...'

write(*,'(*(1x,f7.4,2x))') maxval(abs(e))

deallocate( aa, ja, ia )

end program sparsematrix2norm


>> original data

2.00 0.00 -1.00

0.00 3.00 0.00

-1.00 0.00 4.00

>> csr data

2.00 -1.00 3.00 4.00

>> b data

>> colnum of csr data

1 3 2 3

>> the position of csr data

1 3 4 5


>> the 2-norm of sparse matrix is...



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