點雲資料中的所有點 都用 向引數模型上投影之後的點代替。
//create a set of planar coefficients with a=b=d=0,c=1,即平面z=0
pcl::modelcoefficients::ptr coefficients (new pcl::modelcoefficients ());
coefficients->values.resize (4);
coefficients->values[0] = coefficients->values[1] = 0;
coefficients->values[2] = 1.0;
coefficients->values[3] = 0;
// create the filtering object
pcl::projectinliersproj; //建立投影濾波物件
proj.setmodeltype (pcl::sacmodel_plane); //設定模型型別
proj.setinputcloud (cloud); //設定輸入的點雲
proj.setmodelcoefficients (coefficients); //設定模型引數
proj.filter (*cloud_projected); //執行濾波
#include #include #include #include #include int main (int argc, char** ar**)
std::cerr << "cloud before projection: " << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud->points.size (); ++i)
std::cerr << " " << cloud->points[i].x << " "
<< cloud->points[i].y << " "
<< cloud->points[i].z << std::endl;
// create a set of planar coefficients with x=y=0,z=1
pcl::modelcoefficients::ptr coefficients (new pcl::modelcoefficients ());
coefficients->values.resize (4);
coefficients->values[0] = coefficients->values[1] = 0;
coefficients->values[2] = 1.0;
coefficients->values[3] = 0;
// create the filtering object
proj.setmodeltype (pcl::sacmodel_plane);
proj.setinputcloud (cloud);
proj.setmodelcoefficients (coefficients);
proj.filter (*cloud_projected);
std::cerr << "cloud after projection: " << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud_projected->points.size (); ++i)
std::cerr << " " << cloud_projected->points[i].x << " "
<< cloud_projected->points[i].y << " "
<< cloud_projected->points[i].z << std::endl;
return (0);
projecting points using a parametric model 點雲濾波 直通濾波器
點雲濾波 半徑濾波器
濾除離群點的一種濾波方法。通過設定濾波半徑,計算每個點在其半徑範圍內的其他點的個數。半徑範圍內其他點個數少於某一設定的閾值的點將被濾除。如上圖所示,假設設定半徑為d,分別考察黃色 藍色和綠色的三個點。若設定點個數閾值為1,則黃色點將被濾除 若設定點個數閾值為2,則黃色點和綠色點都將被濾除。pcl r...
利用pcl中的直通濾波器和統計濾波器對原始點雲資料進行濾波處理。通過直通濾波器將z軸方向上範圍之外的點濾除 在背景與前景有一定距離的情況下,可以除掉背景 再利用統計濾波器去除離群點 雜訊點 濾波效果視資料和濾波引數而定。include include include include include ...