接下來是edge類:#ifndef vertex_h
#define vertex_h
#include #include #define inf int_max
class vertex
當然還有路問題須要的path類:#ifndef edge_h
#define edge_h
#include "vertex.h"
class edge
/********** the id **********/
void setid(int id)
int getid()
/********* the vertex ********/
void settail(vertex& v)
void sethead(vertex& v)
/******** other method *******/
void setweight(const float w)
float getweight()
float getcapacity()
float getpassrate() };
這是path類的實現:#ifndef path_h
#define path_h
#include #include "vertex.h"
class path : std::list;
下來就是最重要也是最複雜的graph類了!#include "path.h"
#include #include "vertex.h"
#include using namespace std;
path::path(vertex& tail)
}void path::print()
下來是實現:#ifndef graph_h
#define graph_h
#include #include "edge.h"
#include "vertex.h"
#include "path.h"
#include #include class graph
graph(const char* inputfilename);
graph(std::list& edge);
/*********** size info **********/
int getnumvertex()
int getnumedge()
void print();
void addedge(edge& edge);
void dijkstra(int s, int d);
void dijkstra(vertex& s, vertex& d);
眼下的工作就是這些了。#include "graph.h"
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;
graph::graph(const char* inputfilename)
}graph::graph(list& edge)
void graph::addedge(edge& edge)
}void graph::print()
}bool comp(vertex* a, vertex* b)
void graph::update(vertex* v)
list::iterator it;
for (it = inc.begin(); it != inc.end(); it++) }
}void graph::dijkstra(int sid, int did)
path = new path(*vertexmap[did]);
}void graph::dijkstra(vertex& s, vertex& d)
還有inputfile.txt 的內容:#include #include "graph.h"
#include "path.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
最後是執行結果了!n 7
e 91 1 2 1 20 0.8
2 2 3 5 30 0.8
3 3 6 6 22 0.6
4 7 6 5 22 0.4
5 1 7 3 20 0.2
6 5 6 2 20 0.3
7 3 5 1 20 0.5
8 4 5 6 20 0.6
9 2 4 2 20 0.7
通訊網Project之 單源單宿最短路問題
最基本的vertex類 ifndef vertex h define vertex h include include define inf int max class vertex endif 接下來是edge類 ifndef edge h define edge h include vertex...
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