筆記 Modern CMake 3 基本介紹

2021-09-24 05:47:34 字數 2877 閱讀 1339

modern cmake 3:基本介紹


- project

- .gitignore

- readme.md

- licence.md

- cmakelists.txt

- cmake

- findsomelib.cmake

- include

- project

- lib.hpp

- src

- cmakelists.txt

- project

- cmakelists.txt

- lib.cpp

- cmakelists.txt

- tests

- testlib.cpp

- docs

- doxyfile.in

- extern

- googletest

- scripts

- helper.py


大多時候,我們需要cmake資料夾,所有find*.cmake檔案都應在此資料夾中找到。把cmake資料夾新增到cmake path的方法:

set(cmake_moudle_path "$/cmake" $)

### require out-of-source builds

file(to_cmake_path "$project_binary_dir/cmakelists.txt" loc_path)

if(exists $)

message(fatal_error "you cannot build in a source directory (or any directory with a cmakelists.txt file). please make a build subdirectory. feel free to remove cmakecache.txt and cmakefiles.")




find_package(git quiet)

if(git_found and exists "$/.git")

execute_process(command $ submodule update --init --recursive

working_directory $

result_variable git_submod_result)

if(not git_submod_result equal "0")

message(fatal_error "git submodule update --init failed with $, please checkout submoudles")




find_package(pythoninterp required)

add_custom_command(output "$/include/generated.hpp"

command "$/scripts/generateheader.py" --argument

depends some_target)

add_custom_target(generate_header all

depends "$/include/generated.hpp")

install(files $/include/generated.hpp destination include)

# 所有的cmake files都是由此開始的。在新版本cmake中,給定最低版本號建議使用rang方式。

cmake_minimun_required(version 3.1...3.14)

# 專案宣告。你應該表明專案使用的語言和版本,這都是非常有價值的資訊

project(moderncmakeexample version 1.0 languages cxx)

# 設定變數(尤其是c++語言,本例沒有變數宣告)

# find packages

add_library(mylibexample ******_lib.cpp ******_lib.h)

# 應用程式,輸出名稱和target保持一致

add_executable(myexample ******_example.cpp)

# 鏈結target

target_link_library(myexample private mylibexample)


線性基是幹嘛的呢?給定n個數,求所有數的異或和最大是多少?求解這類問題的時候,就需要線性基了 個人感覺線性基本身就一種貪心。首先定義ba se i bas e i 表示最高位1在i位的數是什麼 對於新進來的數tm p tmp 我們先找出他最高位上的1,假設為第 j j 位,然後看一下ba se j ...

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includeusing namespace std using ll long long const int maxn 5e5 5 原來的數 const int maxbit 63 ll a maxn 原來的數 ll p maxbit p j 第j位為最高位1的數 最高位1在第j位的數 int m...

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