yaws 學習筆記!

2021-08-30 12:29:52 字數 863 閱讀 1801


1  列目錄!?? yaws-doc-man config file- dir_listings = true | true_nozip | false

部分完整配置  yaws.conf

ebin_dir = "d:\program files\yaws-1.87/examples/ebin"

ebin_dir = "d:\program files\yaws-1.87/www/"

2  系統自帶乙個購物頁面 :8080/shoppingcart/   

3  when a client browser wants a protected file, it must send a 「authenticate: username:password」 header in the request.note that this is plain text.

www-authentication is configured in the yaws.conf file, in as many directives as you desire:

docroot = /var/yaws/www/


realm = secretpage

dir = /protected

dir = /anotherdir

user = klacke:gazonk

user = jonny:xyz

user = ronny:12r8uyp09jksfdge4

4   頁面顯示中文:  

yaws beam檔案更新需要重啟yaws以清除快取

3 yaws_api.hrl 幾個結構  要好好記一記!

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