抄的 Hal Vendor 共享

2021-08-13 11:04:30 字數 3428 閱讀 4270


open camera過程中有些初始化設定引數需要從vendor層獲取,而vendor與hal隸屬於不同程序,通過ion機制設定共享記憶體來實現不同程序間資料共享,下面簡要介紹流程:

在初始化過程中hal層會通過socket將訊息傳送至vendor層-通知vendor map共享記憶體。



mparameters.init(gcamcapability[mcameraid], mcamerahandle, this, this);

pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_parm_lock);/* mm-mc-fixstring8heapcorrupt-00+ */

mparameters.m_parm_lock_ptr = &m_parm_lock;/* mm-mc-fixstring8heapcorrupt-00+ */

alogi("opencamera: m_parm_lock_ptr = 0x%x", mparameters.m_parm_lock_ptr);/* mm-mc-fixstring8heapcorrupt-00+ */

mcameraopened = true;

gcameraopened = true;/* mm-cl-cts-testmulticamerarelease-00+ */

#ifdef use_arcsoft_feature

if ((null != marcsoft_feature)&&(mcameraid == 0))/* mm-mc-fixopencameracrash-00+ */

marcsoft_feature->imx214_module_source = gcamcapability[0]->fih_imx214_module_source;//mm-yw-get module source for hal-00


return no_error;

}int qcamera2hardwareinte***ce::initcapabilities(uint32_t cameraid,

mm_camera_vtbl_t *camerahandle)

return no_memory;

} else

mptr[i] = vaddr;

}if (rc == 0)

mbuffercount = count;

tracelogallocend((size * count));

return ok;

}int qcameramemory::alloc(int count, size_t size, unsigned int heap_id)

} else }}

tracelogallocend (size * (size_t)count);

return rc;

}int qcameramemory::alloconebuffer(qcamerameminfo &meminfo,

unsigned int heap_id, size_t size, bool cached)

memset(&alloc, 0, sizeof(alloc));

memset(&ion_info_fd, 0, sizeof(ion_info_fd));/* mm-mc-modifyionfdinitflow-00+ */

alloc.len = size;

/* to make it page size aligned */

alloc.len = (alloc.len + 4095u) & (~4095u);

alloc.align = 4096;

if (cached)

alloc.heap_id_mask = heap_id;

rc =ioctl(main_ion_fd, ion_ioc_alloc, &alloc);

if (rc < 0)

//memset(&ion_info_fd, 0, sizeof(ion_info_fd));/* mm-mc-modifyionfdinitflow-00- */

ion_info_fd.handle = alloc.handle;

rc =ioctl(main_ion_fd, ion_ioc_share, &ion_info_fd);

if (rc < 0)

meminfo.main_ion_fd = main_ion_fd;

meminfo.fd = ion_info_fd.fd;

meminfo.handle = ion_info_fd.handle;

meminfo.size = alloc.len;

meminfo.cached = cached;

meminfo.heap_id = heap_id;

cdbg_high("%s : ion buffer %lx with size %d allocated",

__func__, (unsigned long)meminfo.handle, meminfo.size);

return ok;


memset(&handle_data, 0, sizeof(handle_data));

handle_data.handle = ion_info_fd.handle;

ioctl(main_ion_fd, ion_ioc_free, &handle_data);




return no_memory;


refer: ion機制介紹

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