
2021-06-04 07:13:40 字數 3125 閱讀 1088



/** author: puresky

* date: 2010.01.12

* purpose: solve eigth number problem!*/




#define maxn 10000

#define swap(a, b)

typedef struct _node node;

struct _node;

int head[2], tail[2];

node queue[2][maxn];// two queues for double directoin bfs

//shift of moving up, down, left ,right

int shift[4][2] = , , , };

//for output direction!

char dir[4][2] = , , , };

//test case

char start[10] = "23415x768";

char end[10] = "12345678x";

/****************==hash table start****************************************=*/

#define hash_table_max_size 10000

typedef struct hashnode_struct hashnode;

struct hashnode_struct;

hashnode* ht[2][hash_table_max_size];//hash table data strcutrue

//initialize hash table

void hash_table_init(hashnode *hashtable)

//string hash function

unsigned int hash_table_hash_str(const char* skey)

return h;}

//insert key-value into hash table

void hash_table_insert(hashnode *hashtable, char* skey, int nvalue)

phead = phead->pnext;}

hashnode* pnewnode = (hashnode*)malloc(sizeof(hashnode));

memset(pnewnode, 0, sizeof(hashnode));

pnewnode->skey = skey;

pnewnode->nvalue = nvalue;

pnewnode->pnext = hashtable[pos];

hashtable[pos] = pnewnode; }

//lookup a key in the hash table

hashnode* hash_table_lookup(hashnode *hashtable, const char* skey)

}return null;}

//free the memory of the hash table

void hash_table_release(hashnode *hashtable) }


/* ******************************=hash table end**************************/

//read a tile 3 by 3

void readtile()

start[9] = '\0';}

//print result

void print_backward(int i)

}void print_forward(int j)

}void print_result(int i, int j)

//init the queue

void init(int qi, const char* state)

//check if there are duplicates in the queue

//time comlexity:o(n)

//we can optimise this function using hashtable

int isduplicate(int qi)

return 0;}

//check if the current node is in another queue!

//time comlexity:o(n)

//we can optimise this function using hashtable

int isintersect(int qi)

return -1;}

//expand nodes

int expand(int qi)



return 1;

}hash_table_insert(ht[qi], pnew->tile, tail[qi]);}}

}return 0;}

//call expand to generate queues

int solve()


}while(head[0] <= tail[0]) if(expand(0)) return 1;

while(head[1] <= tail[1]) if(expand(1)) return 1;

return 0;}

int main(int argc, char** argv)



//system("pause"); //pause

return 0;}

acm pku judge online: 940k 記憶體,32ms 時間


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