
2021-04-20 06:54:12 字數 1788 閱讀 4441

#region 粒子系統計算

public void initparticles(string filename, isceneviewer  sceneviwer) }


public void drawparticles(double dx,double dy,double dz) }

} delay++;

// increase rainbow mode color cycling delay counter

if (rainbow && (delay > 25)) }


} private void loadtextures(string filename)

finally }

} ///

/// orient the icons so that it'll face the camera


private void orientbillboard() }


LibGdx 粒子效果

package com.joye3g.particletest import com.badlogic.gdx.gdx import com.badlogic.gdx.inputadapter import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.gl10 import com.badl...

CAEmitterLayer 粒子效果

caemitterlayer執行在gpu上,不消耗cpu。建立出layer caemitterlayer emitterlayer caemitterlayer layer 顯示邊框 emitterlayer.borderwidth 1.f emitterlayer.bordercolor uico...


caemitterlayer實現粒子效果 caemitterlayer 在ios 5中,蘋果引入了乙個新的 calayer 子類叫做 caemitterlayer caemitterlayer 是乙個高效能的粒子引擎,被用來建立實時例子動畫如 煙霧,火,雨等等這些效果。caemitterlayer ...