
2022-10-08 23:33:27 字數 2938 閱讀 9379



void look_shuju(struct node* phead);   //檢視資料

struct node* finddate(struct node* phead, int idate);    //查詢資料

struct node* findindex(struct node* phead, int iindex);    //根據下標查詢資料

void showdate(struct node* pnode);   //輸出查詢結果

int count(struct node* phead, int idate);    //統計指定資料的數量

void getnode(struct node* phead, struct node* arr[4], int idate);  //根據資料得到對應的節點

void change_shuju(struct node* phead, int i, int changei);   //修改資料 //位址;要修改的資料;修改為

int main(void)

,b = ,

c = ,

d = ;

a.pnext = &b;

b.pnext = &c;

c.pnext = &d;

//printf("%d\n", a.shuju);

//printf("%d\n", a.pnext ->shuju );

//printf("%d\n", a.pnext ->pnext ->shuju );

//printf("%d\n", a.pnext->pnext ->pnext ->shuju);

//struct node* phead = &a;

//printf("%d\n", phead->shuju);

//phead = phead->pnext;

//printf("%d\n", phead->shuju);

//phead = phead->pnext;

//printf("%d\n", phead->shuju);

//phead = phead->pnext;

//printf("%d\n", phead->shuju);

//look_shuju(&a); //檢視資料

//struct node* pfind=finddate(&a, 3); //查詢資料

//if (pfind == null)

// printf("未找到節點\n");


// printf("已找到節點:%d\n", pfind->shuju );

//struct node* pfind=findindex(&a, 2); //按下標查詢資料

//if (pfind == null)

// printf("未找到該下標對應的節點\n");


// printf("已找到該下標對應的節點:%d\n", pfind->shuju );

//printf("出現的次數為:%d\n",count(&a, 2) ); //統計指定資料的數量

//showdate(findindex(&a, 2)); //顯示輸出函式

//struct node* arr[4] = ;

//getnode(&a, arr, 2);

//for (int i = 0; i < 4 && arr[i] != null; i++)


//struct node a = ;



//struct node b = ;

= &b;



//struct node c = ;

= &c;



= null;



= null;



= null;

= &d;





//change_shuju(&a, 2, 222);



return 0;

}void look_shuju(struct node* phead)

}struct node* finddate(struct node* phead, int idate)

return null; //未找到資料

struct node* findindex(struct node* phead, int iindex)


phead = phead->pnext;

}return null;

}void showdate(struct node* pnode)

int count(struct node* phead, int idate)

return icount;

}void getnode(struct node* phead, struct node* arr[4], int idate)

phead = phead->pnext;}}

void change_shuju(struct node* phead, int i, int changei)

phead = phead->pnext;}}


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