
2022-08-12 13:54:29 字數 1371 閱讀 7733

cashapelayer *shapelayer = [cashapelayer layer];

[shapelayer setbounds:self.view.bounds];


[shapelayer setfillcolor:[[uicolor clearcolor] cgcolor]];

// 設定虛線顏色為blackcolor

[shapelayer setstrokecolor:[[uicolor blackcolor] cgcolor]];

[shapelayer setstrokecolor:[[uicolor colorwithred:223/255.0 green:223/255.0 blue:223/255.0 alpha:1.0f] cgcolor]];

// 3.0f設定虛線的寬度

[shapelayer setlinewidth:1.0f];

[shapelayer setlinejoin:kcalinejoinround];

// 3=線的寬度 1=每條線的間距

[shapelayer setlinedashpattern:

[nsarray arraywithobjects:[nsnumber numberwithint:3],

[nsnumber numberwithint:1],nil]];

// setup the path

cgmutablepathref path = cgpathcreatemutable();

cgpathmovetopoint(path, null, 0, 89);

cgpathaddlinetopoint(path, null, 320,89);

// setup the path

cgmutablepathref path1 = cgpathcreatemutable();

// 0,10代表初始座標的x,y

// 320,10代表初始座標的x,y

cgpathmovetopoint(path1, null, 0, 100);

cgpathaddlinetopoint(path1, null, 320,100);

[shapelayer setpath:path];


// 可以把self改成任何你想要的uiview, 下圖演示就是放到uitableviewcell中的

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