imshow A, 和imshow A 的區別

2022-07-31 04:57:11 字數 1713 閱讀 9716


imshow display image.

imshow(i,n) displays the intensity image i with n discrete

levels of gray. if you omit n, imshow uses 256 gray levels on

24-bit displays, or 64 gray levels on other systems.


imshow(i,[low high]) displays i as a grayscale intensity

image, specifying the data range for i. the value low (and

any value less than low) displays as black, the value high

(and any value greater than high) displays as white, and

values in between display as intermediate shades of

gray. imshow uses the default number of gray levels. if you

use an empty matrix () for [low high], imshow uses

[min(i(:)) max(i(:))]; the minimum value in i displays as

black, and the maximum value displays as white.

將影象i顯示為乙個灰度級強度影象,並且指定i的資料範圍。值low(以及任何比low低的值)顯示為黑,值high(以及任何高於high的值)顯示為白,並且二者之間的值顯示為灰度的中間色調。如果為[low high]使用乙個空的矩陣(),那麼imshow就使用 [min(i(:)) max(i(:))];i中的最小值展示為黑,最大值展示為白。

imshow(bw) displays the binary image bw. values of 0 display

as black, and values of 1 display as white.

imshow(x,map) displays the indexed image x with the colormap


imshow(rgb) displays the truecolor image rgb.

imshow(...,display_option) displays the image, calling

truesize if display_option is 'truesize', or suppressing the

call to truesize if display_option is 'notruesize'. either

option string can be abbreviated. if you do not supply this

argument, imshow determines whether to call truesize based on

the setting of the 'imshowtruesize' preference.

和 區別和聯絡, 和 區別和聯絡

和 區別和聯絡,和 區別和聯絡,實際專案中,什麼情況用哪種?首先,和 的聯絡 共同點 和 都可以用作 邏輯與 運算子,都是雙目運算子。具體要看使用時的具體條件來決定。無論使用哪種運算子,對最終的運算結果都沒有影響。情況1 當上述的運算元是boolean型別變數時,和 都可以用作邏輯與運算子。情況2 ...


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