
2022-06-14 14:12:10 字數 3485 閱讀 9225


select con.contract_num,

round((case when sum(grt.guaranty_amt) >= con.contract_total_amt then



sum(grt.guaranty_amt) end) /con.contract_total_amt*su.contract_balance,2)

from tb_con_contract con,

tb_con_borr_acct_summary bo,

tb_con_acct_summary su,

tb_con_subcontract sub,

tb_grt_business_relation grt,

tb_grt_collateral coll,

tb_biz_business biz,

tb_con_payout_info_detail det,

(select contract_num,

ltrim(decode(substr(guaranty_type, 12, 1), '1', '信用') || decode(substr(guaranty_type, 13, 1), '1', ';保證') ||

decode(substr(guaranty_type, 14, 1), '1', ';抵押') || decode(substr(guaranty_type, 15, 1), '1', ';質押') ||

decode(substr(guaranty_type, 16, 1), '1', ';保證金') || decode(substr(guaranty_type, 17, 1), '1', ';其他'),

';') guaranty_type

from tb_con_contract) co

where con.contract_num = sub.contract_num

and con.contract_num = bo.contract_num

and con.contract_num = su.contract_num

and con.contract_num = co.contract_num

and sub.subcontract_num = grt.biz_limit_cont_num

and grt.guaranty_id = coll.guaranty_id

and con.biz_num = biz.biz_num

and bo.borrow_num = det.borrow_num

and grt.guaranty_relation_type_cd = '4'

and biz.biz_nature_cd not in ('04','26') ----非額度合同項下業務

and co.guaranty_type like '%抵押%'

and grt.valid_ind = '1' --生效

and con.credit_product_cd <> '031402' --小企業法人按揭貸款

and substr(coll.collateral_catalog_cd,0,1) = 'c' --房地產

group by con.contract_num,con.contract_total_amt,su.contract_balance;


select con.contract_num,

round((case when sum(grt.guaranty_amt) >= cc.contract_total_amt then



sum(grt.guaranty_amt) end)/cc.contract_total_amt*su.contract_balance,2)

from tb_con_contract con,

tb_con_borr_acct_summary bo,

tb_con_acct_summary su,

tb_con_guaranty_relation sub,

tb_grt_business_relation grt,

tb_grt_collateral coll,

tb_biz_business biz,

tb_con_payout_info_detail det,

(select contract_num,

ltrim(decode(substr(guaranty_type, 12, 1), '1', '信用') || decode(substr(guaranty_type, 13, 1), '1', ';保證') ||

decode(substr(guaranty_type, 14, 1), '1', ';抵押') || decode(substr(guaranty_type, 15, 1), '1', ';質押') ||

decode(substr(guaranty_type, 16, 1), '1', ';保證金') || decode(substr(guaranty_type, 17, 1), '1', ';其他'),

';') guaranty_type

from tb_con_contract) co,

tb_con_contract cc

where con.contract_num = sub.contract_num

and con.contract_num = bo.contract_num

and con.contract_num = su.contract_num

and con.contract_num = co.contract_num

and sub.subcontract_num = grt.biz_limit_cont_num

and grt.guaranty_id = coll.guaranty_id

and con.biz_num = biz.biz_num

and con.super_contract_num = cc.contract_num

and bo.borrow_num = det.borrow_num

and grt.guaranty_relation_type_cd = '4'

and biz.biz_nature_cd in ('04','26')

and co.guaranty_type like '%抵押%'

and grt.valid_ind = '1'

and con.credit_product_cd <> '031402' --小企業法人按揭貸款

and substr(coll.collateral_catalog_cd,0,1) = 'c' --房地產

group by con.contract_num,cc.contract_total_amt,su.contract_balance;


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