leetcode 44 二叉樹展開為鍊錶

2022-06-13 03:27:12 字數 1714 閱讀 1119



1/ \

2 5

/ \ \

3 4 6

將其展開為:1 \

2 \3\




# definition for a binary tree node.

# class treenode:

# def __init__(self, val=0, left=none, right=none):

# self.val = val

# self.left = left

# self.right = right

class solution:

def flatten(self, root: treenode) -> none:

"""do not return anything, modify root in-place instead.

"""stack = [none]

tmp = root

while true:

if tmp is none:


if tmp.left is not none:

tmp.right = tmp.left

tmp.left = none

tmp = tmp.right

elif tmp.left is none and tmp.right is not none:

tmp = tmp.right

elif tmp.left is none and tmp.right is none:

head = stack.pop()

tmp.right = head

tmp = head


# definition for a binary tree node.

# class treenode:

# def __init__(self, val=0, left=none, right=none):

# self.val = val

# self.left = left

# self.right = right

class solution:

def flatten(self, root: treenode) -> none:

"""do not return anything, modify root in-place instead.

"""if not root:


while root:

left, left_s, right = root.left, root.left, root.right

if left:

while left.right:

left = left.right

left.right = right

root.right = left_s

root.left = none

root = root.right


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