放大到指定範圍 ArcGlobe和C

2022-04-23 15:48:54 字數 869 閱讀 8089



ipoint pt = feat.shape as ipoint;

ienvelope env = pt.envelope;

env.putcoords(env.xmin - 0.005, env.ymin - 0.005, env.xmax+0.005, env.ymax+0.005);

//pglobe is a variable of type iglobe

iglobedisplay pglbdisplay = this.axglobecontrol1.globe.globedisplay;

//get the activeviewer

isceneviewer pviewer = pglbdisplay.activeviewer;

//get the camera of the current viewer

icamera pcamera = pviewer.camera;

//set the globecamera to the camera of the activeviewer

iglobecamera pglobecamera = (iglobecamera)pcamera;

isceneviewer sceneviewer = pglbdisplay.activeviewer;

pglobecamera.settozoomtoextents(env, this.axglobecontrol1.globe, sceneviewer); 


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