
2022-04-09 17:58:29 字數 1063 閱讀 2706

原查詢:select tid, fid, subject, author, authorid from dz_forum_thread where authorid in (select uid from dz_common_member where groupid in (1, 3, 23)) and dateline > 1395663240 and highlight <> 40 (用時10s)

優化後:select tid, fid, subject, author, authorid from dz_common_member as m, dz_forum_thread as t where m.uid=t.authorid and m.groupid in (1,3,23) and t.dateline > 1395663240 and t.highlight <> 40


select tid, fid, subject, author, authorid

from dz_common_member as m, dz_forum_thread as t

where m.uid = t.authorid

and m.groupid

in ( 1, 3, 23 )

and t.dateline > 1305663240

and t.highlight <>40

limit 1000


select tid, fid, subject, author, authorid

from dz_common_member as m, dz_forum_thread as t

where m.uid = t.authorid

and (m.groupid=1 or m.groupid=3 or m.groupid=23)

and t.dateline >1305663240

and t.highlight <>40

limit 1000


總結:1. 盡量不要使用子查詢

2. 如果in的數目固定且比較少,可以用or替換


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