自動提示 根據拼音首字母或中文自動檢索提示

2021-10-25 12:22:07 字數 1838 閱讀 7148

private sub 姓名_change()

if biaozhi then



me.姓名.rowsource = " select 姓名,工號,班組,崗位 from 員工資訊 order by 姓名"

biaozhi = false '然後再恢復標誌變數




'1. 需要用text屬性才能正確取得輸入的文字內容,因為這時值還未更新,所以不能使用value屬性

'2.me.姓名.rowsource = " select 姓名,工號,班組,崗位 from 員工資訊 order by 姓名"


end if

dim ascma as long

me.助記碼 = me.姓名.text

if len(nz(me.助記碼)) > 0 then ascma = asc(me.助記碼)

if (ascma > 96 and ascma < 123) or (ascma > 64 and ascma < 91) then

me.姓名.rowsource = "select 姓名,工號,班組,崗位,hzpy([姓名]) as 首字母 from 員工資訊 where getpyszm([姓名]) like [forms]![誠信實時資訊錄入]![助記碼] & '*'"


end if

if biaozhi then



me.姓名.rowsource = " select 姓名,工號,班組,崗位 from 員工資訊 order by 姓名"

biaozhi = false '然後再恢復標誌變數




'1. 需要用text屬性才能正確取得輸入的文字內容,因為這時值還未更新,所以不能使用value屬性

'2.me.姓名.rowsource = " select 姓名,工號,班組,崗位 from 員工資訊 order by 姓名"


end if

dim ascma as long

me.助記碼 = me.姓名.text

if len(nz(me.助記碼)) > 0 then ascma = asc(me.助記碼)

if (ascma > 96 and ascma < 123) or (ascma > 64 and ascma < 91) then

me.姓名.rowsource = "select 姓名,工號,班組,崗位,hzpy([姓名]) as 首字母 from 員工資訊 where getpyszm([姓名]) like [forms]![誠信實時資訊錄入]![助記碼] & '*'"


end if

end sub

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