mssql 中文轉拼音首字母

2022-07-31 06:39:15 字數 2961 閱讀 6333


create  function fun_getpy 

( @str nvarchar(4000) 

) returns nvarchar(4000) 

as begin 

declare @word nchar(1),@py nvarchar(4000)

set @py=''

while len(@str)>0 


set @word=left(@str,1)


set @py=@py+(case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901 

then (  

select top 1 py  


(  select 'a' as py,n'驁' as word 

union all select 'b',n'簿' 

union all select 'c',n'錯' 

union all select 'd',n'鵽' 

union all select 'e',n'樲' 

union all select 'f',n'鰒' 

union all select 'g',n'腂' 

union all select 'h',n'夻' 

union all select 'j',n'攈' 

union all select 'k',n'穒' 

union all select 'l',n'鱳' 

union all select 'm',n'旀' 

union all select 'n',n'桛' 

union all select 'o',n'漚' 

union all select 'p',n'曝' 

union all select 'q',n'囕' 

union all select 'r',n'鶸' 

union all select 's',n'蜶' 

union all select 't',n'籜' 

union all select 'w',n'鶩' 

union all select 'x',n'鑂' 

union all select 'y',n'韻' 

union all select 'z',n'咗' 

) t 

where word>=@word collate chinese_prc_cs_as_ks_ws  

order by py asc 

)  else @word  


set @str=right(@str,len(@str)-1) 

endreturn @py


select dbo.fun_getpy('t北京大學醫學部')


create  function fun_getpy 

( @str nvarchar(4000) 

) returns nvarchar(4000) 

as begin 

declare @word nchar(1),@py nvarchar(4000)

set @py=''

while len(@str)>0 


set @word=left(@str,1)


set @py=@py+(case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901 

then (  

select top 1 py  


(  select 'a' as py,n'驁' as word 

union all select 'b',n'簿' 

union all select 'c',n'錯' 

union all select 'd',n'鵽' 

union all select 'e',n'樲' 

union all select 'f',n'鰒' 

union all select 'g',n'腂' 

union all select 'h',n'夻' 

union all select 'j',n'攈' 

union all select 'k',n'穒' 

union all select 'l',n'鱳' 

union all select 'm',n'旀' 

union all select 'n',n'桛' 

union all select 'o',n'漚' 

union all select 'p',n'曝' 

union all select 'q',n'囕' 

union all select 'r',n'鶸' 

union all select 's',n'蜶' 

union all select 't',n'籜' 

union all select 'w',n'鶩' 

union all select 'x',n'鑂' 

union all select 'y',n'韻' 

union all select 'z',n'咗' 

) t 

where word>=@word collate chinese_prc_cs_as_ks_ws  

order by py asc 

)  else @word  


set @str=right(@str,len(@str)-1) 

endreturn @py


select dbo.fun_getpy('t北京大學醫學部')

mssql 中文轉拼音首字母

在做列車時刻表進行搜尋時用到中文轉拼音首字母時需要以下函式 create function fun getpy str nvarchar 4000 returns nvarchar 4000 as begin declare word nchar 1 py nvarchar 4000 set py ...


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