create function [dbo].[f_getpy](@str nvarchar(4000))
returns nvarchar(4000)
declare @word nchar(1),@py nvarchar(4000)
set @py=''
while len(@str)>0
set @word=left(@str,1)
set @py=@py+(case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901
then (select top 1 py from (
select 'a' as py,n'驁' as word
union all select 'b',n'簿'
union all select 'c',n'錯'
union all select 'd',n'鵽'
union all select 'e',n'樲'
union all select 'f',n'鰒'
union all select 'g',n'腂'
union all select 'h',n'夻'
union all select 'j',n'攈'
union all select 'k',n'穒'
union all select 'l',n'鱳'
union all select 'm',n'旀'
union all select 'n',n'桛'
union all select 'o',n'漚'
union all select 'p',n'曝'
union all select 'q',n'囕'
union all select 'r',n'鶸'
union all select 's',n'蜶'
union all select 't',n'籜'
union all select 'w',n'鶩'
union all select 'x',n'鑂'
union all select 'y',n'韻'
union all select 'z',n'咗'
) t
where word>=@word collate chinese_prc_cs_as_ks_ws
order by py asc) else @word end)
set @str=right(@str,len(@str)-1)
endreturn @py
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