12 簡單線性回歸的實現

2021-10-24 15:50:51 字數 2148 閱讀 3603



import numpy as np



: def __init__


"初始化 ****** linear regression 模型"

"" self.a_ = none

self.b_ = none

def fit

(self, x_train, y_train):""

"根據訓練資料集 x_train, y_train訓練模型"

"" assert x_train.ndim ==

1, \

"****** linear regression can only solve single feature training data"

assert len




, \ "the size of x_train must be equal to the size of y_train"

x_mean = np.



y_mean = np.



num =

0.0 d =

0.0for x, y in zip

(x_train, y_train)

: num +

=(x - x_mean)

*(y - y_mean)

d +=(x - x_mean)**

2 self.a_ = num / d

self.b_ = y_mean - self.a_ * x_mean

return self

def predict

(self, x_predict)

: # x_predict 為乙個向量

"""給定**資料集x_predict, 返回表示x_predict的結果向量"

"" assert x_predict.ndim ==

1, \

"****** linear regression can only solve single feature training data"

assert self.a_ is not none and self.b_ is not none, \

"must fit before predict!"

return np.




(x)for x in x_predict]

) def _predict

(self, x_single)

: # x_single 為乙個數

"""給定單個**資料x_single, 返回x_single的**結果值"

""return self.a_ * x_single + self.b_

def __repr__




接下來,我們就開始使用我們自己的 ******linearregression。

具體**見 12-簡單線性回歸的實現

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