flash 呼叫 指令碼
creating a starfield effect is easy! to begin, download the sample files here.
1.create a small star shape, and convert it to a movie clip. give it an instance name of star.
1.建立乙個小的星形,然後將其轉換為影片剪輯。 給它指定乙個star的例項名稱。
2.extend the existing layer by three frames. then, create a new layer above the existing layer, and create three blank frames in this layer.
2.將現有層擴充套件三個框架。 然後,在現有層之上建立乙個新層,並在該層中建立三個空白框架。
3.in the first layer, insert the actions:
5.finally, in the third, insert:numstars = 100;
speed = 5;
star_field = new array (numstars);
//x is x axis, y is y axis, speed is speed of star
function star(x,y,z)
for (i=0;i4.in the second key frame, insert this action:
for (i=0;i300)
setproperty ("star_" add i , _x , star_field[i].x )
setproperty ("star_" add i , _y , star_field[i].y )
setproperty ("star_" add i , _alpha , star_field[i].speed*40 )
gotoandplay (2);
that』s it! test the movie!
而已! 測試電影!
翻譯自:flash 呼叫 指令碼
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