flash 呼叫 指令碼 Flash指令碼 瀑布效果

2021-10-24 04:39:25 字數 1784 閱讀 9788

flash 呼叫 指令碼

download the sample files here.

1.import an image of a wate***ll into flash.


2.set this picture as your background, name it, and lock the layer.


3.create a new layer, and name it "wate***ll".


4.next, create a small circle with a gradient fill. convert this to a graphic object, and name it "drop".

4.接下來,建立乙個帶有漸變填充的小圓圈。 將此轉換為圖形物件,並將其命名為「 drop」。

5.convert your "drop" graphic object to a movie clip, and name it "dropmov".

5.將「放置」圖形物件轉換為影片剪輯,並將其命名為「 dropmov」。

6.in the "dropmov" time line create three key frames. insert the following action into the first key frame:

6.在「 dropmov」時間軸中,建立三個關鍵幀。 將以下操作插入第乙個關鍵幀:

pos = _y;
7.in the second key frame, insert this action:


_y = _y+2;

if (_y >300)

8.then, in the third key frame, insert:


gotoandplay (2);
9.now, return to the main time line, and reduce the alpha of the "dropmov" movieclip to 30%. duplicate the "dropmov" movieclip such that it covers the whole water fall.

9.現在,返回主時間線,並將「 dropmov」動畫片段的alpha降低到30%。 複製「 dropmov」影片剪輯,使其覆蓋整個瀑布。

run the movie and you should see the above effect. well done!

執行電影,您將看到上述效果。 做得好!


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