用h5寫乙個判斷語句 sql 語句判斷

2021-10-17 02:10:17 字數 3122 閱讀 4807

declare @type int


if 條件怎麼寫

select distinct





,isnull((select starlevel from room_starsonger with(nolock) where room_starsonger.useridx=ab.useridx),0) as starlevel

,isnull(lu.weekcash2,0) as weekcash1

,isnull(lu.addcash,0) as weekcash2

,isnull(lrs.ntype,0) as contractstatus

,isnull(mr.rtmpstate,0) rtmpstate,isnull(ls.[level],1) anchorlevel–主播等級


,@type as type into #templist

from @roomuser ab

left join live_roomuser_sign lrs with(nolock) on ab.useridx=lrs.useridx --簽約主播

left join person_videoplay_info lu with(nolock) on ab.useridx=lu.useridx

left join multiroom mr with(nolock) on mr.idx=ab.roomid --20190718

left join live_starexp(nolock) ls on ls.useridx=ab.useridx--主播等級

left join voiceanchorinfo va on ab.useridx=va.useridx --語音主播

where ab.useridx not in(select useridx from roomhotshield with(nolock) where


and ab.roomid not in(select [idx] from multiroom with(nolock) where [state]<>-1 and



回答select useridx from (

select distinct





,isnull((select starlevel from room_starsonger with(nolock) where room_starsonger.useridx=ab.useridx),0) as starlevel

,isnull(lu.weekcash2,0) as weekcash1

,isnull(lu.addcash,0) as weekcash2

,isnull(lrs.ntype,0) as contractstatus

,isnull(mr.rtmpstate,0) rtmpstate,isnull(ls.[level],1) anchorlevel –主播等級


,@type as type into #templist

from @roomuser ab

left join live_roomuser_sign lrs with(nolock) on ab.useridx=lrs.useridx –簽約主播

left join person_videoplay_info lu with(nolock) on ab.useridx=lu.useridx

left join multiroom mr with(nolock) on mr.idx=ab.roomid –20190718

left join live_starexp(nolock) ls on ls.useridx=ab.useridx–主播等級

left join voiceanchorinfo va on ab.useridx=va.useridx –語音主播

where ab.useridx not in(select useridx from roomhotshield with(nolock) where


and ab.roomid not in(select [idx] from multiroom with(nolock) where [state]<>-1 and


) as dd

select * from dd where useridx in (select useridx from語音主播表)

sql裡判斷一般用case when 即:case 成績 when 『a』 then 『優』 else 『不及格』 end



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