1 原始語句
select c.parentid,a.area_dm, a.airport_dm, (' ' + b.qc) as airportname,sum(jcn) as totaljcn,
sum(cr + et + crwh + etwh) as totallk, sum(hw + yj) as totalhy, sort = 1
from airportproduces_2006 a
left join airports b on a.airport_dm = b.airport_dm
left join areas as c on c.area_dm = a.area_dm
left join hbxz as d on a.hbxz = d.char_code
where a.produce_date >= '2006-01-01' and a.produce_date <= '2006-02-28'
and d.char_sort = '運輸'
and (a.area_dm = '51') group by a.area_dm, a.airport_dm, b.qc, c.parentid,d.char_sort
2 變化要求:當sum(jcn)的時候不考慮where條件中的d.char_sort
select c.parentid,a.area_dm, a.airport_dm, (' ' + b.qc) as airportname,sum(jcn) as totaljcn,
case when d.char_sort = '運輸' then sum(cr + et + crwh + etwh) else 0 end as totallk,
case when d.char_sort = '運輸' then sum(hw + yj) else 0 end as totalhy, sort = 1 into #temp
from airportproduces_2006 a
left join airports b on a.airport_dm = b.airport_dm
left join areas as c on c.area_dm = a.area_dm
left join hbxz as d on a.hbxz = d.char_code
where a.produce_date >= '2006-01-01' and a.produce_date <= '2006-02-28'
and (a.area_dm = '51') group by a.area_dm, a.airport_dm, b.qc, c.parentid,d.char_sort
select parentid,area_dm,airport_dm,airportname,
sum(totaljcn) as totaljcn,sum(totallk) as totallk,sum(totalhy) as totalhy,sort = 1 from #temp2
group by area_dm, airport_dm, parentid, airportname
這個步驟運用臨時表 將結果放入臨時表 然後再分組統計
2 演化步驟二
select parentid,area_dm,airport_dm,airportname,
sum(totaljcn) as totaljcn,sum(totallk) as totallk,sum(totalhy) as totalhy,sort = 1 from (
select c.parentid,a.area_dm, a.airport_dm, (' ' + b.qc) as airportname,
sum(jcn) as totaljcn,
case when d.char_sort = '運輸' then sum(cr + et + crwh + etwh) else 0 end as totallk,
case when d.char_sort = '運輸' then sum(hw + yj) else 0 end as totalhy, sort = 1 from
airportproduces_2006 a
left join airports b on a.airport_dm = b.airport_dm
left join areas as c on c.area_dm = a.area_dm
left join hbxz as d on a.hbxz = d.char_code
where a.produce_date >= '2006-01-01' and a.produce_date <= '2006-02-28'
and (a.area_dm = '51') group by a.area_dm, a.airport_dm, b.qc, c.parentid,d.char_sort
) as sumtable group by area_dm, airport_dm, parentid, airportname
12.有兩個表a 和b 均有key 和value 兩個字段,如果b 的key 在a 中也有,就把b 的value 換為a 中對應的value 這道題的sql 語句怎麼寫?update b set value select value from awhere a.key b.key where exi...
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定義乙個儲存過程如下 proc dbo test1 idint asselect1as id,abc asname union allselect idas id,zzz asname 返回兩行資料.現在想用sql語句來呼叫這個儲存過程,並把他返回的表放入變數中.可以如下做 declare tabl...