rocketmq IndexFile原始碼分析

2021-10-06 07:58:34 字數 2471 閱讀 3226

indexfile 儲存具體訊息索引的檔案,檔案的內容結構如圖

## 自己拼的,以後再好好畫


private static final internallogger log = internallogge***ctory.getlogger(loggername.store_logger_name);

private static int hashslotsize = 4;// 每個 hash 槽所佔的位元組數

private static int indexsize = 20;// 每條indexfile條目占用位元組數

private static int invalidindex = 0;// 用來驗證是否是乙個有效的索引。

private final int hashslotnum;// index 檔案中 hash 槽的總個數

private final int indexnum;// indexfile中包含的條目數

private final filechannel filechannel;

private final indexheader indexheader;// 訊息頭

public indexfile(final string filename, final int hashslotnum, final int indexnum,

final long endphyoffset, final long endtimestamp) throws ioexception

if (endtimestamp > 0)



* maximum times to attempt index file creation.

*/private static final int max_try_idx_create = 3;

private final defaultmessagestore defaultmessagestore;

private final int hashslotnum;

private final int indexnum;

private final string storepath;

private final arraylistindexfilelist = new arraylist();

private final readwritelock readwritelock = new reentrantreadwritelock();

public indexservice(final defaultmessagestore store)

public boolean putkey(final string key, final long phyoffset, final long storetimestamp) 

// 時間差 計算訊息的儲存時間與當前 indexfile 存放的最小時間差額(單位為秒

long timediff = storetimestamp - this.indexheader.getbegintimestamp();

timediff = timediff / 1000;

if (this.indexheader.getbegintimestamp() <= 0) else if (timediff > integer.max_value) else if (timediff < 0)

int absindexpos =

indexheader.index_header_size + this.hashslotnum * hashslotsize

+ this.indexheader.getindexcount() * indexsize;

// 訊息體

// 槽儲存 訊息的數量

if (this.indexheader.getindexcount() <= 1)





return true;

} catch (exception e) finally catch (ioexception e) }}

} else

return false;


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