* normal list that does not indicate choices
*/public static final int choice_mode_none = 0;
/*** the list allows up to one choice
*/public static final int choice_mode_single = 1;
/*** the list allows multiple choices
*/public static final int choice_mode_multiple = 2;
/*** the list allows multiple choices in a modal selection mode
*/public static final int choice_mode_multiple_modal = 3;
/*** the thread that created this view.
*/private final thread mownerthread;建立檢視的執行緒
/*** controls if/how the user may choose/check items in the list
*/int mchoicemode = choice_mode_none;表明使用者指定的模式
/*** controls choice_mode_multiple_modal. null when inactive.
*/actionmode mchoiceactionmode;actionmode用來實現listview的多選功能,通過設定它來啟用多選功能
/*** running count of how many items are currently checked
*/int mcheckeditemcount;當前checked的數目
spring原始碼分析 spring原始碼分析
1.spring 執行原理 spring 啟動時讀取應用程式提供的 bean 配置資訊,並在 spring 容器中生成乙份相應的 bean 配置登錄檔,然後根據這張登錄檔例項化 bean,裝配好 bean 之間的依賴關係,為上 層應用提供準備就緒的執行環境。二 spring 原始碼分析 1.1spr...
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