create table [備份名] as select * from [表名]
truncate table org_group;
insert into org_group select * from [備份名]
exp [使用者名稱]
/[密碼] tables=
,[表二] file=
imp [使用者名稱]
/[密碼] grants=y commit=y full=y ignore=y file=
create table tablename (age int
,name string ……)
select * from user_tab_columns t where t.table_name=
truncate table [表名]
drop table [表名]
alter table [老表名] rename to [新錶名]
alter table [表名] add [新增字段]
alter table [表名] modify [表字段]
alter table [表名] rename column [老表字段] to [新表字段]
alter table [表名] drop column [要刪除的表字段]
update [表名] set [欄位名]
=[新值] where [條件]
insert into [表名]
]) values (
insert into [表名] values (
delete from [表名] where [字段]
select distinct [字段] from [表名]
select * from [表名] where [欄位名] is not null;
select '[字串1]'
] as [新建的欄位名,用來放前面的查詢來的資訊] from [表名]
模糊查詢update t_mp_material_news_item a
set is_deleted =
1where exists (select 1
from t_mp_material_news b
where b.id=a.news_id and to_char
select a.create_time,b.is_deleted
t_mp_material_news_item b ,t_mp_material_news a
where b.news_id=a.id and to_char
if test=
"item.title != null and item.title != ''"
and title like concat
username password server as sysdba sysoper eg.system password or connect sys password as sysdbashow user dba users desc dba users 展示表結構 select usernam...
Oracle 資料庫常用操作語句大全
文件摘自 一 oracle資料庫操作 1 建立資料庫 create database databasename 2 刪除資料庫 drop database dbname 3 備份資料庫 exp demo demo orcl buffer 1024 file d back.dmp full y dem...
Oracle 資料庫常用操作語句大全
轉 一 oracle資料庫操作 1 建立資料庫 create database databasename 2 刪除資料庫 drop database dbname 3 備份資料庫 exp demo demo orcl buffer 1024 file d back.dmp full y demo 使...