
2021-10-04 21:09:27 字數 4555 閱讀 1302

1. 替換標記




1. 數字 表示文字每行記錄的第幾處進行替換

2. g 表示替換所有

3. p 表示原先行的內容要列印出來

4. w file 將替換結果寫到檔案中

-n 與 -p 使用效果是只輸出被修改的行

-n 禁止sed編輯器輸出,-p會輸出修改過的行

$ cat data5.txt

this is a test line.

this is a different line.

$$ sed -n 's/test/trial/p' data5.txt

this is a trial line.


2. 行定址方式


於特定行或某些行,則必須用行定址(line addressing)





$ sed '2s/dog/cat/' data1.txt

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


$ sed '2,3s/dog/cat/' data1.txt

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


$ sed '2,$s/dog/cat/' data1.txt

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat

$$ sed '/samantha/s/bash/csh/' /etc/passwd


3. 刪除行



$ sed 'd' data1.txt


$ sed '3d' data6.txt


$ sed '2,3d' data6.txt


$ sed '3,$d' data6.txt


4. 插入和附加文字


# sed '[address]command\new line'

$ echo "test line 2" | sed 'i\test line 1'

test line 1

test line 2

test line 2該行前插入test line 1

$ echo "test line 2" | sed 'a\test line 1'

test line 2

test line 1

$test line 2該行後附加test line 1

sed '3i\

> this is an inserted line.' data6.txt

表示第3行前插入行 this is an inserted line.

$ sed '3a\

$ sed '1i\

> this is one line of new text.\

> this is another line of new text.' data6.txt

this is one line of new text.

this is another line of new text.

this is line number 1.

this is line number 2.

this is line number 3.

this is line number 4.

$表示第1行前插入行 this is one line of new text. 與行 this is another line of new text.

5. 修改行



$ sed '3c\

> this is a changed line of text.' data6.txt

this is line number 1.

this is line number 2.

this is a changed line of text.

this is line number 4.


6. 轉換命令


$ echo "this 1 is a test of 1 try." | sed 'y/123/456/'

this 4 is a test of 4 try.

$$ sed 'y/123/789/' data8.txt

this is line number 7.

this is line number 8.

this is line number 9.

this is line number 4.

this is line number 7 again.

this is yet another line.

this is the last line in the file.


7. 列印




$ cat data6.txt

this is line number 1.

this is line number 2.

this is line number 3.

this is line number 4.

$$ sed -n '/number 3/p' data6.txt

this is line number 3.

$$ sed -n '2,3p' data6.txt

this is line number 2.

this is line number 3.

$$ sed -n '/3/' data6.txt

this is line number 3.

this is test number 3.




$ cat data1.txt

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

$$ sed '=' data1.txt

1the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

2the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

3the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

4the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.



一 更多的替換選項 替換標記 root localhost sed cat data4.txt this is a test of the test script.this is the second test of the test script.root localhost sed sed s ...


sed e 操作 檔案1檔案2 sed n e 操作 檔案1檔案2 sed f 指令碼檔案 檔案1 檔案2 sed e 操作 檔案1 檔案2 sed e n 檔案1 檔案2 e或 expression 表示用指定命令來處理輸入的文字檔案,只有乙個操作命令時可省略,一般在執行 多個操作命令使用 f 或...

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