-cto:~$ echo "this is a test"
| sed 's/test/big test/'
this is a big test
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
kevin@kevin-hp-compaq-pro-4300-aio-20-pc-apj-cto:~$ sed 's/dog/cat/' data
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
kevin@kevin-hp-compaq-pro-4300-aio-20-pc-apj-cto:~$ cat data
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog.
the quick green fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green fox jumps over
the lazy cat.
還有你也可以這麼搞,不想一次性把要替換的word都寫出來,可以用bash shell的提示符來寫:
> s/brown/green/
> s/fox/elephant/
> s/dog/cat/' data
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
bash shell是這麼執行的,就是一旦發現了封尾的單引號,就開始執行命令。
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
the quick green elephant jumps over
the lazy cat.
1.替換標記 sed的 s選項用來替換檔案中的內容,但是僅僅作用於每行的第一處,若需要替換其他地方則需要替換標記 s pattern replacement flags 4種可用替換標記 1.數字 表示文字每行記錄的第幾處進行替換 2.g 表示替換所有 3.p 表示原先行的內容要列印出來 4.w f...
一 更多的替換選項 替換標記 root localhost sed cat data4.txt this is a test of the test script.this is the second test of the test script.root localhost sed sed s ...
sed e 操作 檔案1檔案2 sed n e 操作 檔案1檔案2 sed f 指令碼檔案 檔案1 檔案2 sed e 操作 檔案1 檔案2 sed e n 檔案1 檔案2 e或 expression 表示用指定命令來處理輸入的文字檔案,只有乙個操作命令時可省略,一般在執行 多個操作命令使用 f 或...