string camerascalepath = outfile.getabsolutepath();
uri destinationuri = uri.fromfile(outfile);
ucrop ucrop = ucrop.of(sourceuri, destinationuri);
ucrop.options options = new ucrop.options();
options.setallowedgestures(ucropactivity.scale, ucropactivity.rotate, ucropactivity.all);
options.set*******color(activitycompat.getcolor(activity, r.color.colorprimary));
options.setstatusbarcolor(activitycompat.getcolor(activity, r.color.colorprimary));
ucrop.withaspectratio(aspectratiox, aspectratioy);
* 啟動手機相簿
*/private void fromgallery() else
* 啟動手機相機
*/private void fromcamera() else
string url = getpath(releaseorderactivity.this, data.getdata());
log.i("lin", "----lin---- url :" + url);
startucrop(releaseorderactivity.this, url, 1000, 300, 300);
startucrop(releaseorderactivity.this, environment.getexternalstoragedirectory() + "/" + image_name, 1000, 300, 300);
public static string getpath(final context context, final uri uri)
}// downloadsprovider
else if (isdownloadsdocument(uri))
// mediaprovider
else if (ismediadocument(uri)) else if ("video".equals(type)) else if ("audio".equals(type))
final string selection = "_id=?";
final string selectionargs = new string;
return getdatacolumn(context, contenturi, selection, selectionargs);}}
// mediastore (and general)
else if ("content".equalsignorecase(uri.getscheme()))
return getdatacolumn(context, uri, null, null);
}// file
else if ("file".equalsignorecase(uri.getscheme()))
return null;
}public static string getdatacolumn(context context, uri uri, string selection, string selectionargs) ;
} finally
}return null;
* @param uri the uri to check.
* @return whether the uri authority is externalstorageprovider.
*/public static boolean i***ternalstoragedocument(uri uri)
/*** @param uri the uri to check.
* @return whether the uri authority is downloadsprovider.
*/public static boolean isdownloadsdocument(uri uri)
/*** @param uri the uri to check.
* @return whether the uri authority is mediaprovider.
*/public static boolean ismediadocument(uri uri)
/*** @param uri the uri to check.
* @return whether the uri authority is google photos.
*/public static boolean isgooglephotosuri(uri uri)
android 開啟相機和相簿
開啟相簿和相機有多種方式,目前收集到兩種方式 一種是來自環信程式設計師,一種是來自網路。不知道他們的區別在 反正都可以實現相應的功能。1 環信 照相獲取 選擇檔案 private void selectfilefromlocal else startactivityforresult intent,...
Android 8 0 呼叫相機相簿
近期專案的需求是需要去呼叫相機相簿去拍照獲取儲存到伺服器 公司的測試機試android6.0以下的 所以之前呼叫相機一點都沒問題 可是跑在android8.0 的手機上 呼叫相機相簿就會出現錯誤 暴露的url android 6.0動態訪問許可權 相機為例 android resource xml ...
我們在安卓開發過程中,可能會遇到需要用到 的情況,今天就說一下如何使用相機,相簿這些系統軟體的呼叫方法 首先我們將許可權新增 android name android.permission.write external storage android name android.permission....