
2021-09-10 23:00:30 字數 1219 閱讀 7251

1、閾值二值化(threshold binary)

2、閾值反二值化(threshold binary inverted)


4、閾值取零(threshold to zero)將小於閾值的部分取零

5、閾值反取零(threshold to zero inverted)將超過閾值的部分取零

#include #include # include using namespace cv;

mat src, gray_src, dst;

int threshold_value = 127;//設定預設值

int threshold_max = 255;//設定最大值

// 0-4分別表示 cv_threshold_binary cv_thresh_binary_inv cv_thresh_trunc cv_thresh_tozero cv_thresh_tozero_inv

int type_value = 2;//設定預設值

int type_max = 4;//設定最大值


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