delete fw_wf_course c where f.course_id in (227072) and f.process_instance_id = 2262335;
--1654048 將流程回滾到系統部經理審批
update jbpm_token t set t.node_ = 1654048
where t.id_ = 2262336 and t.processinstance_ = 2262335;
delete jbpm_taskinstance t
where t.id_ in (2281030)
and t.procinst_ = 2262335;
update jbpm_taskinstance t
set t.end_ = null ,t.version_ = 1 ,t.isopen_ = 1 ,t.issignalling_ = 1
where t.id_ = 2270958 and t.procinst_ = 2262335;
--2 .跳過一些節點到某乙個節點
--1654048 將流程執行到開發經理簽收
update jbpm_token t
set t.node_ = 1654059
where t.id_ = 2855012 and t.processinstance_ = 2855011;
delete jbpm_taskinstance t
where t.id_ in (2862658 ,2862654)
and t.procinst_ = 2855011;
update jbpm_variableinstance v
set v.class_ = "s" ,v.stringvalue_ = 'no'
where v.id_ = 2862653;
update jbpm_taskinstance t
set t.name_ = "開發經理簽收" ,t.actorid_ = '10466'
where t.id_ = 2862971 and t.procinst_ = 2855011;
update jbpm_variableinstance v
set v.stringvalue_ = 'y'
where v.id_ = 3714450;
update jbpm_token t
set t.node_ = 1654723
where t.id_ = 3707286 and t.processinstance_ = 3707285;
update jbpm_taskinstance t
set t.name_ = '總裁審批' ,t.actorid_ = '1' ,t.task_ = 1654726
where t.id_ = 3811560 and t.procinst_ = 3707285;
delete from jbpm_variableinstance v
where v.processinstance_ in (select j.id_ from jbpm_processinstance j where j.bizno = ?)
delete from fw_wf_course c
where c.process_instance_id in
(select p.id_ from jbpm_processinstance p where p.bizno = ?)
--可能關聯的表 jbpm_comment ,jbpm_job ,jbpm_log ,jbpm_pooledactor
delete from jbpm_taskactorpool tp
where tp.taskinstance_ in
(select t.id_ from jbpm_taskinstance t where t.procinst_ in (select p.id_ from jbpm_processinstance p where p.bizno = ?))
delete from jbpm_taskinstance t
where t.procinst_ in
(select p.id_ from jbpm_processinstance p where p.bizno = ? );
delete from jbpm_pooledactor p
where p.swimlaneinstance_ in
(select js.id_ from jbpm_swimlaneinstance js where js.taskmgmtinstance_ in
(select jm.id_ from jbpm_moduleinstance jm where jm.processinstance_ in
(select p.id_ from jbpm_processinstance p where p.bizno = ?)));
delete from jbpm_swimlaneinstance js
where js.taskmgmtinstance_ in
(select jm.id_ from jbpm_moduleinstance jm where jm.processinstance_ in
(select jp.id_ from jbpm_processinstance jp where jp.bizno = ?));
--jbpm_moduleinstance 與 jtb.token_ 關聯表
delete from jbpm_tokenvariablemap jt
where jt.token_ in
(select t.id_ form jbpm_token t where t.processinstance_ in
(select p.id_ from jbpm_processinstance p where p.bizno = ?));
delete from jbpm_moduleinstance jm
where jm.processinstance_ in
(select jp.id_ from jbpm_processinstance jp where jp.bizno = ?);
delete from jbpm_runtimeaction jr
where jr.processinstance_ in
(select jp.id_ from jbpm_processinstance jp where jp.bizno = ?);
--關聯jbpm_token表 roottoken_ 先解除關聯
update jbpm_processinstance p
set p.roottoken_ = null
where p.id_ in
(select jp.id_ from jbpm_processinstance jp where jp.bizno = ?);
--關聯 jbpm_processinstance
delete from jbpm_token t
where t.processinstance_ in
(select jp.id_ from jbpm_processinstance jp where jp.bizno = ?);
delete from jbpm_processinstance p
where p.id_ in
(select jp.id_ from jbpm_processinstance jp where jp.bizno = ?);
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