leetcode筆記 Trie相關問題

2021-09-01 09:28:39 字數 2081 閱讀 3407

實現乙個 trie (字首樹),包含insert,search, 和startswith這三個操作。


trie trie = new trie();

class trie 

public node()

}private node root;

/** initialize your data structure here. */

public trie()

/** inserts a word into the trie. */

public void insert(string word)

}private node root;

/** initialize your data structure here. */

public worddictionary()

/** adds a word into the data structure. */

public void addword(string word)

return false;

}private boolean search(node node, string word, int index)

char c = word.charat(index);


return false;


}return false; }}


* your worddictionary object will be instantiated and called as such:

* worddictionary obj = new worddictionary();

* obj.addword(word);

* boolean param_2 = obj.search(word);


實現乙個 mapsum 類裡的兩個方法,insertsum



示例 1:

輸入: sum("ap"), 輸出: 3

輸入: sum("ap"), 輸出: 5

class mapsum 

}private node root;

/** initialize your data structure here. */

public mapsum()

public void insert(string key, int val)

cur = cur.next.get(c);

}cur.val = val;

}public int sum(string prefix)

cur = cur.next.get(c);

}return sum(cur);

}private int sum(node node)

int sum = node.val;

for(char key : node.next.keyset())

return sum;


* your mapsum object will be instantiated and called as such:

* mapsum obj = new mapsum();

* obj.insert(key,val);

* int param_2 = obj.sum(prefix);


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