python numpy資料load報錯

2021-09-24 08:52:18 字數 1715 閱讀 2614

使用numpy.load(『***.npy』)資料時,報錯unicodeerror: unpickling a python object failed: unicodedecodeerror



encoding must be 'ascii', 'latin1', or 'bytes'


data = np.load('mynpy.npy',encoding='latin1')




# line 317

encoding : str, optional

what encoding to use when reading python 2 strings. only useful when

loading python 2 generated pickled files in python 3, which includes

npy/npz files containing object arrays. values other than 'latin1',

'ascii', and 'bytes' are not allowed, as they can corrupt numerical

data. default: 'ascii'

# 編碼方式只允許選擇下面三個中的乙個

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