#pragma once
class cbasedyndialog : public cdialog
dword m_dwdlgexstyle, m_dwdlgstyle; //風格
wchar m_szdlgtitle[128]; //標題
rect m_rcdlgrect; //位置&尺寸
wchar m_szfontface[64]; //字型名稱
word m_wfontpoint; //字型大小
word m_wfontweight; //字型比重
bool m_wfontitalic; //斜體?
lpcwstr m_szdlgmenuid; //選單
lpcwstr m_szdlgclass; //類
bool inittemplate();
bool addcontrol(dword exstyle, dword lstyle, rect rc, dword dwid,
lpcwstr sztitle, word *wclass, int iclasslen,
byte *pbexdata=null, word wextlen=0);
void endtemplateupdate(cwnd *pparent);
bool addbutton(dword lstyle, rect rc, uint uid, lpcwstr stitle);
bool addedit(dword lstyle, rect rc, uint uid, lpcwstr stitle);
virtual int_ptr dodlginmemory(cwnd *pparent);
virtual void onok();
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "basednydialog.h"
#include #ifdef _debug
#define new debug_new
#undef this_file
static char this_file = __file__;
/*windowclass 0xffff +
0x0080 button
0x0081 edit
0x0082 static
0x0083 list box
0x0084 scroll bar
0x0085 combo box
*/implement_dynamic(cbasedyndialog, cdialog)
lpword cbasedyndialog::copywstring (lpword lpwcstr, lpcwstr lpstrin)
*lpwcstr++= (word) *lpstrin;
} return lpwcstr;
} //初始化模板
bool cbasedyndialog::inittemplate()
*/m_itemplateoffset = 0;
m_maxsubitemnums = 0;
word *p = m_pdlgtemplate + m_itemplateoffset;
/* start to fill in the dlgtemplate information, addressing by words */
dword exstyle = m_dwdlgexstyle;
dword lstyle = ds_modalframe | m_dwdlgstyle;
*p++ = 1; // dl**er
*p++ = 0xffff; // signature
*p++ = 0; // loword helpid
*p++ = 0; // hiword helpid
*p++ = loword(exstyle); // loword exstyle
*p++ = hiword(exstyle); // hiword exstyle
*p++ = loword(lstyle); // loword lstyle
*p++ = hiword(lstyle); // hiword lstyle
*p++ = 0; // numberofitems
*p++ = (word)m_rcdlgrect.left; // x
*p++ = (word)m_rcdlgrect.top; // y
*p++ = (word)(m_rcdlgrect.right - m_rcdlgrect.left); // cx
*p++ = (word)(m_rcdlgrect.bottom - m_rcdlgrect.top); // cy
p = copywstring(p, m_szdlgmenuid); // menu
p = copywstring(p, m_szdlgclass); // class
p = copywstring(p, m_szdlgtitle); // title
/* font information because of ds_setfont */
if(lstyle & ds_setfont)
m_itemplateoffset = (long)(ulong_ptr)(p - m_pdlgtemplate);
return true;
bool cbasedyndialog::addcontrol(dword exstyle, dword lstyle, rect rc, dword dwid,
lpcwstr sztitle, word *wclass, int iclasslen, byte *pbexdata, word wextlen)
p = copywstring(p, sztitle); //text
// advance pointer over nextrastuff word
if(wextlen > 0 && pbexdata)
m_itemplateoffset = (long)(ulong_ptr)(p - m_pdlgtemplate);
} __except(getexceptioncode() == exception_access_violation)
return true;
void cbasedyndialog::endtemplateupdate(cwnd *pparent)
bool cbasedyndialog::addbutton(dword lstyle, rect rc, uint uid, lpcwstr stitle)
; return addcontrol(0, lstyle | bs_pushbutton, rc, uid, stitle, wclass, 2);
bool cbasedyndialog::addedit(dword lstyle, rect rc, uint uid, lpcwstr stitle)
; return addcontrol(0, lstyle | ws_border, rc, uid, stitle, wclass, 2);
int_ptr cbasedyndialog::dodlginmemory(cwnd *pparent)
void cbasedyndialog::onok()
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