
2021-08-28 12:04:50 字數 3168 閱讀 4676

-- created on 2018-09-27 by 三界


-- local variables here

vsdate    date;

vedate    date;

vrealline varchar2(24);

vflagjoin boolean;


-- test statements here   liao xiaohui

vsdate := to_date('2017-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd');

vedate := to_date('2018-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd');











--實飛航程**/計畫航線**,初始預設值:出發機場**-到達機場**,for example: hak-hkg


for rl in (select *

from ((select flight_id, flight_date, flightno, out_time, depstn, arrstn,

lag(arrstn, 1, null) over(partition by flight_date, flightno order by out_time asc) as prior_arr,

lead(depstn, 1, null) over(partition by flight_date, flightno order by out_time asc) as next_dep,

row_number() over(partition by flight_date, flightno order by out_time asc) as rowno,

count(*) over(partition by flight_date, flightno) as cnt

from f_flight f

where flight_date between vsdate and vedate

order by flight_date, flightno, out_time)) t

where cnt > 1 --航節總數大於1的情形.

) loop


if rl.rowno = 1 then

vrealline := rl.depstn;


vflagjoin := (rl.arrstn = rl.next_dep);

elsif rl.rowno = rl.cnt then

vrealline := vrealline || '-' || rl.depstn || '-' || rl.arrstn;

vflagjoin := (rl.depstn = rl.prior_arr) and vflagjoin;


vrealline := vrealline || '-' || rl.depstn;

vflagjoin := (rl.depstn = rl.prior_arr) and vflagjoin;

end if;


if (rl.rowno = rl.cnt) and vflagjoin then


update f_flight

set realcode = vrealline

where flight_date = rl.datop

and flightno = rl.fltid

and realcode <> vrealline;

end if;

end loop;



for ln in (select *

from (select t.*, row_number() over(partition by yyyymm, fltid order by cnt desc) as rowno,

count(*) over(partition by yyyymm, fltid) as rowcnt

from (select to_char(flight_date, 'yyyymm') as yyyymm, substr(flightno, 1, 6) as fltid,

realcode, count(*) as cnt, min(flight_date) as startdate,

max(flight_date) as lastdate

from f_flight f

where flight_date between vsdate and vedate

group by to_char(flight_date, 'yyyymm'), substr(flightno, 1, 6), realcode) t) tt

where rowcnt > 1

and cnt > 4

and rowno = 1) loop

update f_flight

set linecode = ln.realcode

where instr(flightno, ln.fltid) > 0

and to_char(flight_date, 'yyyymm') = ln.yyyymm

and flight_date between ln.startdate and ln.lastdate

and linecode <> ln.realcode;

end loop;



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