postgresql 建立分割槽表,sql優化之postgresql table partitioning
createon varchar(32);
createyy varchar(4);
tablename varchar(48);
i***ist int;
r record;
sqlstr text;
sqldel text;
sqlin text;
select start_time into createon from tech_trial_t where start_time <>'' order by start_time asc limit 1;
createyy := substr(createon, 1,4);
select count(*) into i***ist from pg_class where relname = 'tech_trial_t_y' || createyy;
if (i***ist=0) then
sqlstr='create table if not exists tech_trial_t_y' || createyy || ' (like tech_trial_t_y2017 including indexes);';
execute sqlstr;
end if;
sqlstr := 'select relname from pg_class where relname like ''tech_trial_t_y20%'' and relname not like ''%_idx'';';
//必須排除索引,因為relname 是**,索引,檢視等的名稱
//for 語句迴圈取值賦值
for r in execute sqlstr loop
sqldel := 'truncate table ' || r.relname;
execute sqldel;
//直接寫 truncate table r.relname; 不能執行,貌似不能知道r.relname是什麼東東。
sqlin := 'insert into ' || r.relname || ' select * from tech_trial_t_view_year tv where tv.start_time >= substr( ''' ||r.relname || ''',15,4) ||''-01-01 00:00:00'' and tv.start_time <= substr('''|| r.relname ||''',15,4) ||''-12-31 23:59:59'';';
execute sqlin;
end loop;
return null;
declare start_text text;
declare insert_statement text;
start_text := substr(new.start_time, 1 ,4);
insert_statement := 'insert into tech_trial_t_'
|| start_text
||' values ($1.*)';
execute insert_statement using new;
return null;
when undefined_table
'create table if not exists tech_trial_t_'
|| start_text
|| '(check (start_time >= '''
|| start_text
|| '-01-01 00:00:00'' and start_time < ''' || start_text || '-12-31 23:59:59'')) inherits (tech_trial_t_year)';
raise notice 'create non-existant table tech_trial_t_year_%', start_text;
'create index tech_trial_t_key_'
|| start_text
|| ' on tech_trial_t_'
|| start_text
|| '(start_time)';
execute insert_statement using new;
return null;
postgresql 觸發器寫法
create or replace function delete fdr returns trigger as delete fdr begin delete from object classes where object classes dataroom id old dataroom id ...
Postgresql 函式 觸發器寫法
1 資料庫環境 table 學生分數表 create table stu score stuno serial not null,學生編號 major character varying 16 專業課程 score integer 分數 with oids false alter table stu...
觸發器 mysql觸發器
觸發器是一種特殊的儲存過程,它在插入 刪除或修改特定表中的資料時觸發執行,它比資料庫本身標準的功能有更精細和更複雜的資料控制能力。和儲存過程一樣,很少使用。1 觸發器的作用 2 建立觸發器 建立測試環境 mysql create database test db query ok,1 row aff...