應用的時候,把xml檔案裡的換成該類的包名加類名就ok了。public class reboundscrollview extends scrollview
public reboundscrollview(context context, attributeset attrs)
public reboundscrollview(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyleattr)
/** after inflating view, we can get the width and height of view */
protected void onfinishinflate()
protected void onlayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)
public reboundscrollview setonreboundendlistener(onreboundendlistener onreboundendlistener)
public reboundscrollview setenabletoprebound(boolean enabletoprebound)
public reboundscrollview setenablebottomrebound(boolean menablebottomrebound)
private int lasty;
private boolean rebound = false;
private int rebounddirection = 0; //<0 表示下部回彈 >0 表示上部回彈 0表示不回彈
public boolean dispatchtouchevent(motionevent ev)
switch (ev.getaction())
int deltay = (int) (ev.gety() - lasty);
//deltay > 0 下拉 deltay < 0 上拉
//disable top or bottom rebound
if ((!menabletoprebound && deltay > 0) || (!menablebottomrebound && deltay < 0))
int offset = (int) (deltay * 0.48);
mcontentview.layout(mrect.left, mrect.top + offset, mrect.right, mrect.bottom + offset);
rebound = true;
case motionevent.action_up:
if (!rebound) break;
rebounddirection = mcontentview.gettop() - mrect.top;
translateanimation animation = new translateanimation(0, 0, mcontentview.gettop(), mrect.top);
animation.setanimationlistener(new animation.animationlistener()
public void onanimationend(animation animation)
if (rebounddirection < 0)
rebounddirection = 0;}}
public void onanimationrepeat(animation animation)
mcontentview.layout(mrect.left, mrect.top, mrect.right, mrect.bottom);
rebound = false;
}return super.dispatchtouchevent(ev);
public void setfillviewport(boolean fillviewport)
/*** 判斷當前scrollview是否處於頂部
*/private boolean isscrolltotop()
/*** 判斷當前scrollview是否已滑到底部
*/private boolean isscrolltobottom()
/*** listener for top and bottom rebound
* do your implement in the following methods
*/public inte***ce onreboundendlistener
rsv.post(new runnable()
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