第二章 select 查詢

2021-08-21 19:14:49 字數 2602 閱讀 8492


select table_name,





from user_tab_columns


table_name = 『bonus』;


select * from tab;


select * from user_tab_columns

where table_name =』emp』;


select ename , sal , 12*sal+100 year_sal

from emp e

where sal>2000-200;






select ename,job,sal from emp;

select * from dept where deptno = 20;

select * from emp where deptno = 20;


grant create user to scott ;


create user cici identified by 123456;


grant create session to cici;


grant select on emp to cici;


select * from scott.emp;


2、查詢員工的年薪,要求年薪為 月薪*12+獎金





1. select * from emp where job = 『manager』;

2、 select ename, sal * 12 +comm as year_money from bonus ;

select ename, sal * 12 + nvl(comm,0)as year_money ,sal,comm from emp;

3、 select ename,sal,comm from emp where ename = 『smith』;


select * from emp where comm is not null;

select * from emp where comm is null;


select ename as 姓名 , sal salary

from emp t1

where t1.ename=』smith』;

/等同於 /

select ename as name , sal salary

from emp where emp.ename=』smith』;


select ename || 『的工資是:』 || sal from emp t1 ;

select ename || 『』s』 || sal from emp t1 ;

select ename || 」』s』 || sal from emp t1 ;


select distinct job from emp;

select distinct deptno from emp;

select distinct deptno,job from emp order by deptno;

select ename 姓名, deptno 部門編號, sal 薪水

from emp;

select * from emp where sal>1500;

select * from emp where comm is null;

select ename, empno, deptno from emp where job= 『clerk』;

select t.*,round(sal/30) 日薪金 from emp t;

select * from emp

where sal is null

and deptno=20;

select * from emp where job=』salesman』;

select * from emp where deptno=』10』;

第二章 簡單的查詢

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