書上寫了sublime無法執行使用者互動的**,事實上只要安裝乙個repl就可以進行使用者互動了。但是repl並沒有辦法進行死迴圈的跳出處理,所以一旦**出現死迴圈,sublime就會失去響應,只能關閉sublime。而不使用repl正常執行python就可以使用ctrl + c中斷死迴圈但是又不能進行使用者互動。因此如果要用sublime編寫大規模的**並執行,最好還是在cmd的環境下執行。
7-8 熟食店:建立乙個名為sandwich_orders的列表,在其中包含各種三明治的名字;再建立乙個名為finished_sandwiches的空列表。遍歷列表sandwich_orders,對於其中的每種三明治,都列印一條訊息,如i made your tuna sandwich,並將其移到列finished_sandwiches。所有三明治都製作好後,列印一條訊息,將這些三明治列出來。
output:sandwich_orders = ["hotdog", "salad", "tuna"]
finished_sandwiches =
sandwich = sandwich_orders.pop()
print("i made your " + sandwich +" sandwich.")
print("\nthese are sandwiches finished.")
for finished_sandwich in finished_sandwiches:
print("\t" + finished_sandwich.title() + " sandwich")
7-9 五香菸薰牛肉(pastrami)賣完了:使用為完成練習7-8而建立的列表sandwich_orders,並確保』pastrami』 在其中至少出現了三次。在程式開頭附近新增這樣的**:列印一條訊息,指出熟食店的五香菸薰牛肉賣完了;再使用乙個while 迴圈將列表sandwich_orders中的』pastrami』 都刪除。確認最終的列表finished_sandwiches 中不包含』pastrami』。i made your tuna sandwich.
i made your salad sandwich.
i made your hotdog sandwich.
these are sandwiches finished.
tuna sandwich
salad sandwich
hotdog sandwich
output:sandwich_orders = ["hotdog", "pastrami", "salad",
"pastrami", "tuna", "pastrami"]
finished_sandwiches =
print("all the pastrami is sold out!\n")
in sandwich_orders:
sandwich = sandwich_orders.pop()
print("i made your " + sandwich +" sandwich.")
print("\nthese are sandwiches finished.")
for finished_sandwich in finished_sandwiches:
print("\t" + finished_sandwich.title() + " sandwich")
in finished_sandwiches:
print("\nthere must be something wrong.")
print("\nthere are no pastrami sandwiches.")
7-10 夢想的度假勝地:編寫乙個程式,調查使用者夢想的度假勝地。使用類似於「if you could visit one place in the world, where would you go?」的提示,並編寫乙個列印調查結果的**塊。all the pastrami is sold out!
i made your tuna sandwich.
i made your salad sandwich.
i made your hotdog sandwich.
these are sandwiches finished.
tuna sandwich
salad sandwich
hotdog sandwich
there are no pastrami sandwiches.
output:polling_active = true
responses = {}
while polling_active:
name = input("what is your name? ")
sentence = "if you could visit one place in the world,"
sentence += "\nwhere would you go ? "
place = input(sentence)
responses[name] = place
repeat = input("finished? y/n\n")
if (repeat == "y"):
polling_active = false
elif(repeat == "n"):
print("next one.\n")
print("wrong input. please input again.\n")
print("this is the result.")
for name, place in responses.items():
print(name.title() + " would like to " + place.title() + ".")
if you could visit one place in
the world,
where would you go ? tokyo
finished? y/n
nnext one.
what is your name? ashero
if you could visit one place in
the world,
where would you go ? paris
finished? y/n
djdwrong input. please input again.
finished? y/n
ythis is
tim would like to tokyo.
ashero would like to paris.
注:書上的例項沒有判斷使用者如果亂輸入的情況,實際問題中應該考慮這個問題。flag active的主要用途就是用來處理迴圈中套迴圈的跳出判斷
高階程式設計技術作業 7
題目描述 使用乙個字典來儲存一些人喜歡的數字。請想5個人的名字,並將這些名字用作字典中 的鍵 想出每個人喜歡的乙個數字,並將這些數字作為值儲存在字典中。列印每個人的名字和喜歡 的數字。展示 dic for name,number in dic.items print name str number ...
5 9 處理沒有使用者的情形 在為完成練習5 8編寫的程式中,新增一條if 語句,檢查使用者名稱列表是否為空。如果為空,就列印訊息 we need to find some users 刪除列表中的所有使用者名稱,確定將列印正確的訊息。solution users if users for user...
高階程式設計技術作業 5
題目描述 使用乙個for迴圈列印數字1 20 包含 展示 for number in range 1,21 print number input null output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 題目描述 通過給函式rang...