看一道題吧,poj1094,不等式的傳遞性。這道題在處理方面,d(i, j)為1時表示i1、矛盾與不確定,優先矛盾。
#include #include #include using namespace std;
struct node opt[1010], sum[30];
inline bool cmp1(node a, node b)
int d[30][30], n, m;
inline void send()
inline int check()
if(d[i][j] == d[j][i] && d[i][j] == 0)
} if(incon) return -1;
if(cannot) return 0;
return 1;
}int main()
opt[i].x = ch[0] - 'a' + 1; opt[i].y = ch[2] - 'a' + 1;
d[ch[0] - 'a' + 1][ch[2] - 'a' + 1] = 1;
} send();
int signal = check();
if(signal == 0)
int l = 1, r = m, mid, ans;
if(signal == 1)
printf("sorted sequence determined after %d relations: ", ans);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
sort(sum+1, sum+n+1, cmp1);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) printf("%c", 'a' - 1 + sum[i].x);
printf(".\n"); continue;
} if(signal == -1)
else l = mid + 1;
}if(!atp) printf("inconsistency found after %d relations.\n", ans);
sort(sum+1, sum+n+1, cmp1);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) printf("%c", 'a' - 1 + sum[i].x);
printf(".\n"); continue;
}} }
return 0;
sorted sequence determined after 6 relations: dcab.
sorted sequence determined after 29 relations: cfdaebhgji.
sorted sequence cannot be determined.
inconsistency found after 48 relations.
sorted sequence determined after 318 relations: gmnvkchfobrjdzlpxayseiwqtu.
sorted sequence determined after 25 relations: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.
sorted sequence determined after 7 relations: badce.
sorted sequence determined after 158 relations: hnamgipctbjfrleodksq.
inconsistency found after 35 relations.
sorted sequence cannot be determined.
sorted sequence determined after 7 relations: abdec.
sorted sequence cannot be determined.
sorted sequence determined after 11 relations: acdbfe.
sorted sequence cannot be determined.
sorted sequence cannot be determined.
sorted sequence determined after 179 relations: chqnamdlrfpgisbjoket.
n頭牛比賽,m種比賽結果,最後問你一共有多少頭牛的排名被確定了,其中如果a戰勝b,b戰勝c,則也可以說a戰勝c,即可以傳遞勝負。求能確定排名的牛的數目。思路 如果一頭牛被x頭牛打敗,打敗y頭牛,且x y n 1,則我們容易知道這頭牛的排名就被確定了,所以我們只要將任何兩頭牛的勝負關係確定了,在遍歷所...
floyd 排序(傳遞閉包)
給定 n 個變數和 m 個不等式。其中 n 小於等於26,變數分別用前 n 的大寫英文本母表示。不等式之間具有傳遞性,即若 a b 且 b c 則 a c。請從前往後遍歷每對關係,每次遍歷時判斷 如果能夠確定全部關係且無矛盾,則結束迴圈,輸出確定的次序 如果發生矛盾,則結束迴圈,輸出有矛盾 如果迴圈...
Floyd演算法 求傳遞閉包
題目讓確定有幾個人的位置是確定的,如果乙個點有x個點能到達此點,從該點出發能到達y個點,若x y n 1 x y n 1 x y n 1,則該點的位置是確定的。用floyd演算法算出每兩個點之間的距離,最後統計時,若dis a b dis a b dis a b 之間無路且dis b a dis b...