6-5 鏈式表操作集(20 分)
其中position find( list l, elementtype x );
list insert( list l, elementtype x, position p );
list delete( list l, position p );
各個操作函式的定義為:typedef struct lnode *ptrtolnode;
struct lnode ;
typedef ptrtolnode position;
typedef ptrtolnode list;
position find( list l, elementtype x )
list insert( list l, elementtype x, position p )
:將x插入在位置p指向的結點之前,返回鍊錶的表頭。如果引數p指向非法位置,則列印「wrong position for insertion」,返回error;
list delete( list l, position p )
:將位置p的元素刪除並返回鍊錶的表頭。若引數p指向非法位置,則列印「wrong position for deletion」並返回error。
#include #include #define error null
typedef int elementtype;
typedef struct lnode *ptrtolnode;
struct lnode ;
typedef ptrtolnode position;
typedef ptrtolnode list;
position find( list l, elementtype x );
list insert( list l, elementtype x, position p );
list delete( list l, position p );
int main()
scanf("%d", &n);
while ( n-- )
}l = insert(l, x, null);
if ( l==error ) printf("wrong answer\n");
printf("%d is inserted as the last element.\n", x);
p = (position)malloc(sizeof(struct lnode));
tmp = insert(l, x, p);
if ( tmp!=error ) printf("wrong answer\n");
tmp = delete(l, p);
if ( tmp!=error ) printf("wrong answer\n");
for ( p=l; p; p = p->next ) printf("%d ", p->data);
return 0;
}/* 你的**將被嵌在這裡 */
12 2 4 87 10 2
42 12 87 5
2 is found and deleted.
12 is found and deleted.
87 is found and deleted.
finding error: 5 is not in.
5 is inserted as the last element.
wrong position for insertion
wrong position for deletion
10 4 2 5
position find( list l, elementtype x )
return error;
}list insert( list l, elementtype x, position p )
}}list delete( list l, position p )
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