case borrow.investtype
when 0 then '成功000,請注意查收'
when 1 then '成功111,請注意查收'
when 2 then '成功222,請注意查收'
when 4 then '成功444,請注意查收'
else ''
endas sitemessagecontent ,
(borrowreturndetail.captionmoney+borrowreturndetail.interestmoney+borrowreturndetail.subsidyinterest-borrowreturndetail.reducemanagefee) as borrowreturnmoney
into #t --放入臨時表中
from borrowreturn
left join borrowreturndetail on borrowreturn.id=borrowreturndetail.borrowreturnid
left join borrow on borrow.id=borrowreturn.borrowid
left join invest on invest.id=borrowreturndetail.investid
where borrowreturn.isdeleted=0 and borrowreturn.issuccess=1 and borrowreturndetail.isdeleted=0
declare @userid int --臨時變數,用來儲存游標值
declare @sitemessagecontent varchar(500)
declare @realreturntime datetime
declare @borrowreturnmoney decimal(18,2)
declare @error int
set @error=0
begin tran --申明事務
declare y_curr cursor for --申明游標
select userid,sitemessagecontent,realreturntime,borrowreturnmoney from #t
open y_curr
fetch next from y_curr into @userid,@sitemessagecontent,@realreturntime,@borrowreturnmoney
while @@fetch_status = 0
select @userid,@sitemessagecontent,@realreturntime,@borrowreturnmoney
insert into sitemessage (userid,title,content,isread,isdeleted,adddate) values (@userid,'理財收益成功',@sitemessagecontent,0,0,@realreturntime)
insert into capitalflow([money],[type],remark,isdeleted,adddate,userid,flowtype) values (@borrowreturnmoney,5,@sitemessagecontent,0,@realreturntime,@userid,1)
set @error=@error+@@error--記錄每次執行sql後 是否正確 0正確
fetch next from y_curr into @userid,@sitemessagecontent,@realreturntime,@borrowreturnmoney
endif @error=0
commit tran --提交
rollback tran --回滾
endclose y_curr
deallocate y_curr
drop table #t
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